One of Us

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Sky's P.O.V

It's not that Kitty is heavy. She's not, I'm not use to carrying the same person running to a village that seems like it took forever! Jason runs next to me. I am out of breathe. 

"Why didn't she walk?" Jason asks. I look at him. Kitty's asleep. We went into the clinic. Robert looks at me. A nurse took Kitty and the Doctor looked at me. 

"She.....might have....broke....her...ankle." The Doctor leaves. 

"Sky did you run here?" Jason asks. I look at him. 

"Yes." Ok I think that I am good. 

"Why? You look like your going to pass out." Robert asks. I stand there listening to them tell me want I did wrong. If I wanted to be told what I did wrong, can it be a least Kitty? I mean seriously, there at pretty much yelling at me. Wait....what were they talking about again? 

"Sky. Sky." Jason said. I look at him. 


"Were you even listening to us?" Robert asks. 

"I stopped listening after you said I was going to pass out." Jason rolls his eyes. 

"Are you serious?" Robert asks. 

"Dead serious. Ron is fighting Ty and Ghost, that's why I was running here. I was trying to use a little as time as possible. Seto is telling the others." 

"What's that on your neck?" Jason asks. 

"What?" Jason touches my neck. He shows me his hand. Green stuff is on it. 

"Green slime." Jason said. That must have been from the vine choking me to death. 

"You try being strangle by a vines. Let's see how you feel about it?" Jason looks confuse. 

"What have you been doing?" Robert asks. He doesn't want to know. 

"You don't want to know."

"Sky want are we doing about Ron?" Jason asks. That's a good question. 

"That's a great question." 

"You have no idea do you?" Robert asks. 

"Not a clue." 

"I could slap you. It worked last time." Jason said. Slap me? Not again, but it did work. 

"Jason why would you slap him?" Robert asks. 

"It worked when he had nothing for Withermu. I thought hey second times the charm." Jason said.

"Yeah don't."

"Do you have a plan?" Jason asks.

"No." What to do? I have no idea. Jason slaps me. I should have expected that.

"I expected that."

"Anything?" Robert asks. I look around. Wait. That could work. Rope....a magic reverse spell. That could overload his magic and it would either shut down his magic or kill him. 

"Wow it worked."

"Really?" Jason asks.

"A magic reverse spell could overload his magic. That will cause it to shut down on him and leave him defenseless. Or it could kill him."

"Slapping does work. Good idea Jason."  Robert said. I roll my eyes. I need to tell Ty. He could do the spell or I could. 

"What are we doing?" Jason asks. 

Taken: Book 4 in the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now