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Song is American Noise By Skillet. Enjoy the chapter!


Ghost's P.O.V

I look at Sky. What am I going to do? I don't know. 

"What are we going to do?" Kitty asks. I look at her. I'm panicking, that's what I'm doing. 

"I don't know. Ron needs power. I could try to make him overuse?" Kitty looks at me. 

"If Ron is draining Ty's power and using it. That is something that you don't want to do. Overuse him and he will kill Ty." Kitty said. Well that idea is out the window. I look at Sky and Seto. 

"Do you know what spell that they used?" 

"No, I can't do anything to them. It could hurt or kill them." Kitty said. This is just great. This is too much pressure! 

"We need a magic user. A sorcerer like Seto." Kitty said. Wait, I sense some power in Ace. I look at Kitty. 

"You know someone don't you?" Kitty asks. I smile.

"I do. Wait here." I fly towards the North Village. Let's hope this works. 


I land in the village. Tay runs next to me. 

"Where's Ace and Jake at?" Tay runs into a building. I follow her. I see them. They look at me. 

"Your not evil anymore?" Jake asks. What? OH yeah that moment. 

"No. Ace I need your help." She looks at me. 

"What for?" Ace asks. I can sense magic in her.

"Your a magic user, like Seto?" 

"Yeah I am." Ace said. 

"Sky, Seto and Ty need your help." 

"What for?" Ace asks. My patience is shorting. 

"I need for you to wake up Sky and Seto. So Sky can save Ty before he dies." Ace nods. 

"I'll help." Ace said. We run outside. Ace jumps on my back and we go in the air. The sky suddenly turns purple. That can't be good. I fly towards Kitty. 

Kitty's P.O.V

I look at the sky. I can see Ghost coming. She lands and a kid lands behind her. I look at them. 

"Who's that?" Ghost looks at the kid. 

"This is Ace, shes a magic user like Seto." Ghost said. Ace runs pass me and next to the boys. I look at her. Ghost stops next to me. I look at her. 

"She's a kid." Ghost looks at me. 

"I know, but she is our only hope right now. So she is helping us." Ghost said. Ace's eyes are glowing pink. That must be her magic. I am trusting her. 

Ace's P.O.V

I kneel down next to Sky and Seto. They don't look good. They are out cold. My eyes glow pink. 

"How long have they been out?" 

"1 or 2 days." Kitty said. That's not normal. I sense something at works in them right now. I place my hands on their chests. I know what to do. I know what spell that Ron used. So this should work. My hands turn pink. Seto grabs my hand all of a sudden. That made me jump five feet in the air. I look at him. He lets go of my hand. I look at Sky. He is not up yet. I guess I was only able to wake up one of them. I look at Seto. 

"Wake up Sky and I will explain everything later." Seto looks at Sky. His eye's turn purple. That's so cool. He puts his hand on Sky's chest. He says something that I can't understand. Why can't I understand that? Seto's eyes turn back to normal. 

"What spell was that?" He looks at me. Sky sits up. 

"What the hell happen?" Sky asks. 

"You guys should know. I'm Ace." 

"Magic user. What level?" Seto asks. I don't know my level.

"I have no idea." 

"What would you say Sky?" Seto asks. 

"How would Sky be able to guess?" I look at Sky. 

"I would say level 5." Sky said. Level 5.

"Sky can't be able to guess that. He's....." Wait I forgot that he is half brine. 

"I'm what?" Sky asks. 

"Half brine." I stand up. 

"Kitty can explain things to you guys. I walk to Ghost. 

"They're up." Kitty runs towards them. 

"What's wrong?" Ghost asks. I look at Sky and then at Ghost. Seto and Sky has friends to look after them. I don't have that. 

"Nothing. I got to go." I walk pass Ghost. She grabs my arm and I look at her. 

"Something is bothering you." Ghost said. 

"It's nothing." Ghost crosses her arms. Fine I will tell her. 

"I can tell when something is bothering people and something is bothering you." Ghost said. She kneels down in front of me. 

"Seeing you guys care for your friends reminds me of how no one ever wants me around. I was happy when Ron took me and kept me there. At least I was alone and was not seeing the look on peoples faces. They looked at me like I was a monster ready to kill them." 

"So you don't have anywhere to go?" Ghost asks. 


"Come here." Ghost said. She grabs my hand and pulls me with her. We stop in front of Sky, Seto and Kitty. 

"Sky can Ace stay with us?" Ghost asks. I look at Ghost. 

"Really?" Ghost smiles. Sky stands up. 

"What about her parents?" Sky asks. 

"They left me for the dead." 

"She never had anyone there for her. She said that she was happy when Ron took her." Ghost said. I look at Sky. 

"Well of course she can." Sky said. I hug Sky. 

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Sky hugs me back. He's warm. I let go. 

"Seto can teach you magic." Kitty said.

"I can?" Seto asks. 

"Yeah come on Seto." Sky said. I look at Seto. 

"Fine with me." Seto said. I smile. My life just got better!

"Sky look Ty's dying right now. He said that you can do a spell on Ron that will make chains that have Ty break." Ghost said. I look at Ghost. 

Sky's P.O.V

"What is Ron doing to Ty?" 

"Draining his power and using it for himself. That's why the sky is purple." Ghost said. I look at the sky. Look at that, it is purple. I didn't notice that til now. 

"I have to look at the chains to see what spell it is." I look at Ghost. 

"I know where he is." Ghost said. 

Taken: Book 4 in the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now