Let the War Begin

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I got over 600 reads already. Thanks for the support! That was fast. It only pass one chapter. My mind is blown by that fact of has fast that number went up. Song is The A Team by Ed Sheeran. Thanks for the support and enjoy the chapter! 


Ghost's P.O.V

I open my eyes, Ty is gone. I sit up. I'm still here and alive. I stand up and go to my room. I grab my hoodie and put my shoes on. I walk down the hallway. I put my hoodie on and put my hands in my pockets. I pull a piece of paper out of it. I stop and look at it. I got this out of Sky's room. I open it up. I shouldn't be looking at this. 

You have been warned.

What the heck? I think this was a part of that letter. Wait the North Village. We should check there. Why would Sky keep this though? I don't question what Sky does sometimes, but I'm questioning this. Why keep this? I feel a hand on my shoulder. I put the paper in my pocket. I turn around. 

"Hey Ghost you okay?" Tay asks. 

"I'm fine." Not really. That nightmare last night is haunting me a little bit. Like I said, I feel safer when I am near Ty. 

"Come on, we are coming up with a plan." Tay said. We start heading towards the place. 

"Doesn't Sky come up with the plans?" 

"Yes, but something is bothering him. I can tell. So we are helping him come up with something." Tay said. Ok that's normal. I do wonder what has been bothering Sky. I told him that he seems different, and he decline it. We all know that he seems different. We head inside and sit down. I put my feet on the table in front of me. 

"Really Ghost?" Seto asks. 

"What? Am I not allow to do this?" 

"No your fine. So what's the plan?" Seto asks. I should tell them that Ron is going after the North Village first. 

"Ron is going after the North Village first." They look at me. 

"Why didn't you tell us this sooner?" Ian asks. I look at him. I put my feet down and lean on the table. 

"A lot has happen and I forgot about it. But what is the plan?" I look at Sky. He hasn't said a word. 

"Who here agrees that something is bothering Sky?" I rise my hand. So do the others. Sky doens't even look up. I stand up. 

"Kitty can't you get it out of him?" Jason asks. She looks at us. 

"I have tried, I got nothing. He is....different." Kitty said. Sky looks at us. 

"O look he is alive." I put my hands on the table. 

Sky's P.O.V

I'm not that different. Am I? I am trying to figure this out. I can't help that I feel weird. My amulet has been acting weird ever since Withermu was destroyed. I'm keeping it from them cause I want to figure this out after Ron is gone.

"I'm fine guys. So I have a plan." They look at me shocked.

"Really?" Quentin asks.

"You seem surprise."

"Cause you seem distracted and you haven't been talking this whole time." Jason said.

"You were forming a plan, weren't you?" Seto asks. I thought that I needed help, but I have the perfect plan.


"Are we getting my little brother back?" Ghost asks. Of course we are.

"Yes we are. We are not leaving without him." Ghost smiles.

"Ok....so the plan Sky?" Ty asks. I tell them the plan. They just look at me when I am finish.

"Sky that's genius." Ian said.  

"That's crazy enough to work." Jerome said. I smile. 

"How did you come up with that?" Mitch asks. 

"He's Sky, that is how Mitch." Jess said. That's so true. 

"He is that only guy I know would come up with that plan." Ty said. 

"That's because he's crazy." Jason said. I'm not that crazy. Ok maybe I am, but we are all crazy. 

"Hey, we are all crazy."

"We know, your just insane." Ty said. 

"Can't argue with that." They laugh. I smile. Let the war begin. 

Taken: Book 4 in the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now