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Song is Beat of My Drum by Zendaya. I like this song. I felt like putting it on here. Nothing to do with the chapter once so ever. 


Ghost's P.O.V

I think that Sky left something out. I walk next to him.

"Sky can I talk to you?" 

"Sure." Sky said. I put my arm out in front of him. He stops and looks at me. 

"I'm serious here." 

"Ok. What's up?" Sky asks. 

"When you got the letter from Ron, did you leave anything out?" Sky looks at me for a second. 

"No, I didn't." Sky said. 

"Sky did you? You can tell me. I will be fine." Sky doesn't say anything. That's weird. 

"You still there?" 

"Yeah. Ghost Ron wants for me to do something that I would never do. Can we leave it at that?" Sky asks. He starts walking. I sorry I am not leaving it at that. I have to know. He is hiding something. I run up to him and push him against the wall. I look at him. I have my arm across his chest. I am pushing against him so he can't escape. 

"Sky your hiding something and I want to know. I must know." I look at him in the eyes. Sky doesn't talk. 

"I can't leave it at that. Your keeping something." Sky doesn't say anything. 

"Please Sky. Is it that bad that you can't even tell anyone? Is that why you ripped up that letter?" I look at him. He is still not talking he is stubborn when he needs to. 

"Sky I will literacy cling onto you till you tell me. I won't let this go till you tell me. I will haunt you." 

"You..really..want to know?" Sky asks. I nod.

"I can handle it. I'm serious I can." 

"Come on." Sky said as he grabs my arm and pulls me. How did he break my defense? He pulls me into a room. I sit down. He stands in front of me. 

"Want to sit?" 

"I rather stand." Sky said. 

"Ok." I look at him. He leans on the table. 

"The letter said that I could either give you and Jake back to him or he will make my life a living hell." Sky said. A living hell? 


"There's more. It said that I will get a punishment one way or another. To meet in the meadow tonight, no show then he will make a show at the villages." Sky said. 

"Are you going?" 

"No. That's why I sent recruits to the villages tonight to protect them. Ghost please don't go to that meadow." Sky said. I stand up. 

"But he is threatening you and the villages. Your not doing anything." 

"Ghost I'm protecting the villages." Sky said. 

"He wants us. Why can't you give us up?" 

"Because I know that if I do Ty wouldn't forgive me. He loves you and he won't be able to handle losing you too. It would destroy him." Sky said. He doesn't want Ty to suffer. 

"But what if I went?" 

"Ty will stop you. Ghost please don't go." Sky said. 

"I'm going." I walk pass him. He grabs my arm. 

Taken: Book 4 in the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now