Sick of It!

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Song is Sick of It By Skillet. I love this band. So there would be a lot of thier songs in this series. Check out the band! Enjoy the chapter! 


Ghost's P.O.V

We all sit down and look at Sky. He said that he was fine. So we are not going to try to change his mind about it. No one has spoken for 5 minutes now. It's really awkward. 

"'s everyone's day going?" Quentin looks at me. Chills go up my spine. I shouldn't have talked. 

"Sorry I just don't like how silent it is." I lean back in my chair. 

"I'm waiting for Sky to something to us about what the heck is going on." Jerome said. I look at Sky. He hasn't even looked at us. He has been silent for a long time. 

"So....Sky what is going on?" Ty asks. Sky looks up. 

"Level 10." Sky said. I'm confuse. Level 10. What does that mean?

"What?" Sky leans back in his chair and crosses his arms. 

"Ron is a level 10 sorcerer." Sky said. 

"Well sh*t." Ian said. 

"What's the highest level?" Tay asks. 

"10. Seto is at 9." Jason said. Well we are screwed. But wait we have us against him.

"We outnumber him." 

"He out-magics us." Ty said. 

"We have 2 enders, 2 brines, 1 sorcerer, 2 hybrids, and 5 fighters. We out-skill and more him. I forgot one. We have the Sky Army." Jess said. A recruits came in and runs next to Sky. He hands Sky a letter. Sky takes it. The recruits leaves. We all look at Sky. 

Sky's P.O.V

I look at the letter. No infromation about the person who sent it. I open it up and take out the paper. I open it up and read it. 


You have two ways to do this. You can either give me my children back that you stole or I will make your life a living hell. If I were you I would tell everyone to sleep with one eye open for the rest of their lives. I’m coming to get them. You will get your punishment one way or another. You can’t hide behind your army forever. Meet me in the meadow tonight. If you don’t show then I know to pay a visit to the villages tonight. Come with Ghost and Jake. Do it if you value the village’s lives and your recruits.

You have been warned.

"What does it say?" Ty asks. I am not doing it that's what it says. Why would Ron believe that I would do this? I stand up and rip the letter up. I throw it on the table. That just pissed me off. 

"Calm down now." Jerome said. I put my hands on the table. The villages are in danger. What would I do in this situation? I would do what Ron said, but I'm not giving Ghost and Jake to Ron. 

"Ron's a dead man. We have to protect the villages now. He is starting to threaten me by hurting the villagers." 

"Why did you rip it up?" Seto asks. I cross my arms. I didn't want Ghost to read it. 

"It made me feel better. The last thing that was written really piss me off." 

"What was that?" Kitty asks. 

"You have been warned." I hate it when people tell me that. 

"So?" Jess asks. 

"That's a threat to the Sky Army." Ian said. Threats are not ok to us. It makes us mad, thirstily for blood to be spilled. But blood has already been spilled. You don't threaten the Sky Army and get away with freely. 

"We don't take threats kindly. Ron may think that this is a game and he will win. But it has just begun." 

"So what do we do?" Ty asks. They stand up and look at me. I know what to do. 

"Protect the villages. Ron wants a battle, we'll give him a war." We all smile at each other. 

Taken: Book 4 in the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now