The Dark Side

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Song is Animal I've Become by Three Days Grace. Thanks for over 800 reads! Thanks for all the support! Enjoy the chapter!


Ghost's P.O.V

I don't open my eyes. Mostly because I don't want to see where I ended up. I thought I was a goner for sure. I am on my knees. I open my eyes slowly. Every muscle in my body is sore. Why am I in my ender form? I can't get out of it. I am chained to the ground. These are obsidian chains. Smart to do that to an half ender. I can't break these. I just look at the ground. I am in a room. There are things everywhere. Where am I? I see a guy come in a white coat. He looks at me and leaves. Ok no help once so ever. He comes back in and with another person. Ron. 

"Ghost is finally awake." Ron said. 

"That was a trap wasn't it?" Ron smiles. The other guy is preparing something. 

"Yes it was. I would have prefer to have Ty. Ty has more power then you. But you will do." Ron said. Power? What does this has to do about power? 

'What are talking about?" The other guy comes next to Ron.

"We're ready." He said. 

"Ready for what?" Ron pulls me to my feet. My wrists and legs are chained to the ground. 

"Just wait." Ron said. He leaves. The other guy is doing something. 

"Ghost I'm not happy that I have to do this to you." He said. O so he does have a heart?

"Then what the heck is going on?" He walks in front of me with a needle. 

"Just relax. Stay calm and let it happen." He said. I have a very bad feeling about this. He sticks the needle in my arm and pushes the thing down. I feel something cold in my arm. He pulls the needle out. He backs up. 

"What did you do?" I feel pain in my arm and in my body everywhere. I grit my teeth. Ron appears. 

"Perfect. Thank you." Ron said. 

"What did you put in me?" I can feel my rage going up. I can't lose control of myself. That won't end well for anyone. The other guy leaves. I look at Ron. 

"It's a controlling potion. It should make your dark side come out and control you. Of course I need power. But Ty seems to have more then you." Ron said. He wants me to get Ty and bring him back. Over my dead body. 

"I'm not playing in your sick little game. Sky and Seto will beat you." Ron laughs. 

"That's a good one. Last time I saw Sky and Seto they were out for the count." Ron said. I knwo that we took a long time, but was it that long? 

"What did you do to them?" 

"I just let them sleep easier. You will bring Ty back here, and kill anyone that gets in your way." Ron said. He leaves. I'm not losing control. Keep control. 

"Your losing Ghost." Someone said. No I'm not! I'm not getting Ty. The chains break off of my hands. I am pushed to the back of my mind. Oh no. I need to regain control of myself. Ty is with Jake and Ace. He promised that they wouldn't get hurt. That will mean getting them away from me! I go outside and fly in the air. It's morning. I smile. Don't you hurt them! I will only have a little chat with your friends. With my sword. No they are family! Are you sure you feel that way towards Ty? No I know that I don't. You don't have to hurt them. I land on the ground. I see Ty. O no. He looks at me. 

"Ghost." Ty said. Jake looks at me. He was about to run to me when Ty grabbed him and pulled him away from me. He took Ace to. He must understand. Ace ans Jake run away from us. Ty looks at me. 

"R-Run." That's all I got out.

Ty's P.O.V

I look at Ghost. I know that is not Ghost. Her eyes are red. I go into my ender form. 

"O another ender. No wonder Ron wants you." She said. Ghost is not working for Ron. I need to remember that. My sword forms in my hand. 

"Want to fight? Are you sure that you can fight Ghost?" She asks. No. But I have to. 

"I don't want to, but if that will get Ghost back and you out. Of course I will." I can help you know. Stay out of this Enderlox. I know that you'll hurt Ghost without hesitation. I know that you don't have the guts to hurt her. I don't need to hurt her. Yes you do. I know that this may be hard to hear. But you need to hurt Ghost and accept the fact that you did. Oh wait I know why. No you don't. You love her and you don't want to see her get hurt. Shut up Enderlox. A sword forms in her hand. She looks at me. 

"You will be able to stand hurting Ghost?" She asks. No I can't hurt her. Enderlox is right. I can't. I won't be able to do that to her. 

"No I won't." Sissy. It's not that hard. I know that you love her, but you must do what needs to be done. No I can get Ghost back without hurting her! She will hurt you though. I don't need your input Enderlox! I'm just telling you what you need to do! Why don't you listen?! Cause I don't take orders from you and your wrong! 

"Lets make this fast. Ron wants you, so I will deliver." She said. She disappears and reappears behind me. Her hand goes on my back and I can feel a shock go throughout my body. I turn around and back up. I know that Ghost doesn't want to hurt me. She smiles. 

"That's it?" 

"I'm just getting started." She said. She grabs me and we go into the air. I push her off of me. I look at her. Can I actually hurt Ghost and not feel guilty about it? I will feel guilty about it. 

Taken: Book 4 in the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now