I'm so glad you're here!

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Welcome back, my lovely readers! Thank you so much for sticking with me to part two! In case you need a refresher, here's a recap of the story and a brief on the characters, plus some new info on them.


Naida was painting on a cliff when, because of the winds of a sudden storm, was sent falling down the face fo the rock and into the wild waters below. Turns out the ocean had blessed her with a second chance for life, but she could no longer survive outside the ocean, however, she couldn't survive in it ether. But she wasn't alone, five mermen brothers, Mako, Lionfish, Ray, Shark, and Krait, who were made by the ocean to please and assist Naida in every way they can, take her into their care and use their magical gifts to make it so she can live underwater just as well as she could above. Things go smoothly until Naida visits Mako's friend, Betta. Naida meets a mysterious Mermaid named Lanai and they become quick friends. Then Naida visits her friends on land thanks to Betta's gift. Her friends try to get her to stay, and one, Bowen, even confesses he loved her, but she had no choice to return to the ocean, or else she'd die. Heartbroken and grieving, she returns to her home under the sea, then almost immediately goes out for a swim with Mako in hopes that he can raise her spirits. He raises her spirits alright, but by using his gift to control her emotions and take advantage of her. Mako only backs away when he realizes Naida's gifts that allow her to survive underwater are wearing off, but instead of helping her, he reveals that during nights of a full moon, such as that night, merfolk and sirens desires are much more intense and can even overcome their will. Naida is saved by Lanai, who used her power to usher Naida to the surface of the water so she could breathe. But right when Naida thought she was safe, it was revealed that both Mako and Lanai are actually sirens. Now Naida is trapped in the middle of the ocean with two sirens, unable to escape or get help, and under a full moon.


Naida Muriel has long black hair, fawn brown eyes, and a fair form with light skin, however, when she has a tail she has a fancy siren tail that's a bright marigold color that fades to bubblegum pink, has three fins along the back, and splashes of bubblegum pink are splattered over the marigold and vice versa. She's twenty years old, she has great intuition and passionate in all that she does, she doesn't trust others easily but once she does she's loyal to them, and she has a hard time with advancing relationships due to her being demisexual.

Lionfish has thick and shaggy sunset orange hair with white stripes, solid black eyes, wears a glittering silver ring with small onyx' and orange topaz on his right ring finger, and a strong form with the tail of a lionfish. He's twenty-two, his power is he can control coral reefs and plant-like animals, his gift gives him the ability to allow others to see underwater if he touches their eyelids, he loves to boast and show off, he claims he loves Naida the most though does nothing to prove that claim aside from when he says it, and he's actually insecure about Naida not liking him which is why he tries to prove himself to her.

Shark has short dark grey hair, solid black eyes, a wide smile that makes him seem more protective than threatening, and a huge, muscular body a foot taller than his siblings with his lower body a tail of a whale shark. He's twenty-two, his power lets him make and control waves, his gift lets him give the ability to hear underwater if he touches their ears, he's is normally the brute of the brothers, he'll hurt anyone who seems like a threat to Naida, and he never leaves Naida's side unless she tells him to give her some space.

Krait has electric blue hair, solid black eyes, natural blue tribal markings all over his exposed skin, and a slender form with the tail of a blue-lipped sea krait. He's twenty-two, his power allows him to control and speak to animals, his gift lets him turn legs into a tail, he doesn't speak often and is normally in the back, huge introvert that socializes better with animals than others, he's really sweet and kind once he opens up.

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