15. Secrets With Surprise

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To love and to be loved is to feel the
      sun from both sides.

David Viscott


I sighed what seemed like a hundred times

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I sighed what seemed like a hundred times. Because my dear father wrapped me from head to toe with a blanket and strictly told me not to move a single muscle of my body. I had been doing that for two days straight. But now I was getting cramps on my back. So I stood up a little. But getting a sharp glare from Dean, I went back to my make shift bed.

They really needed to chill a bit. Though I couldn’t blame them for being so overprotective. I did scare the crap out of them earlier. Between all of this chaos, I made them more stressed. And I was  ashamed for that.

Craning my neck, I looked over where all of them were. They had gone back to reading books after another failure attempt to save us. Seeing I really didn’t have any way to help them, I began to think something else trying to distract my mind. It didn’t work. So propping my head on my hands, I faced their way to entertain myself.

"Fay, stop pouting and giving us the puppy dog eyes. It'll not work this time ", Dean shouted from the map table.

I stuck my tounge out at him. And immediately heard a response,

"I saw that"

Groaning, I laid down. I could hear the british lady saying,

"If you're really that concern, let her use the air vents to get out"

I immediately sat up and said,

"I'll not go into the vents. It’s probably a maze there. I still struggle to find my own room. In there, I'll probably die and nobody will ever find my body"

"Fayre, you don’t have to do anything you're not comfortable with", Dean glared at the woman. In returned, she just smirked.

"I think there's a way to get out", Sam said all of a sudden.

I also wanted to know what he found this time. But for obvious reason, I couldn’t go and see myself. So staying at where I was, I tried my best to listen. I heard Sam explaining,

"But we need the blood of a virgin"

Oh....I tried to stay as quiet as possible. Dean coughed a little. No one needed to say that the adults weren’t even close to being a virgin. I knew soon the finger would point at me. Oh my God, it was gonna be embarrassing. The fake coughing got louder from the table. Clearly, they wanted my response. But I stayed quiet.

Sam finally called me, "Um...Fayre, come here for a sec"

I got up and went there. Dean looked the other way not wanting to meet my eyes. His face was slightly red. Well, mine probably was as red as tomato. After another fit of awkward coughing from Sam, finally he asked me the question,

"Are you a.....virgin? I mean not that you have to...."

I guess we are officially a family of cherry tomato. Because Sam's face flushed too. I looked at the british woman who was trying to stifle her laugh. My dad also mumbled  something which sounded like a prayer.

"Yes", I whispered.

This wasn’t something I wanted to talk about in front of everyone. Not at least in the presence of a stranger.

They probably heard me because as soon as the word left my mouth Sam exhaled loudly and a million watt smile formed on my father's face. I could almost see exultant joy radiating from him. It was creepy. 

Our awkward/happy moment broke when Lady Bevell said,

"You guys are so dumb"

We all ignored her. Dean cheerfully said,

"You sure are my girl. I was exactly like you"

But narrowing his eyes, Sam commented,

"I don't remember anything like that. Because I caught you at the age of fifteen with that gir.."

Sam couldn’t finish his sentence due to the smack on his head from his older brother. Before Sam could say anything further, Dean hurriedly took me with him to get a bowl for the ritual.


A few minutes later, they brought all the ingredients for the spell. Dean took a small knife and cut the palm of my hand. I winched slightly. When a few drops of my blood fell into the bowl, he quickly wrapped my hand and led me to the side. His place was taken by Lady Bevell who spoke some spell in different language.

Soon the whole bunker began to shake and I clung onto my father. The red lights turned into it’s regular colour but only for a few seconds. When it was red again, we all heard Lady Bevell's cursing. She said,

"It's Ketch. He put some dampener on the bunker's lockdown. Magic won't work"

The situation was getting out of our hand. I could see my father was getting angrier by each second. He suddenly pointed his gun at Bevell and said,

"It’s all your fault. I should've kill you earlier to save us more oxygen. You're just a burden now"

"Think wisely Dean. You need my help. Only I can fix your mother", she calmly said but fear was clear in her eyes.

Dean yelled, "You guys are monsters pretending to save the world. At least real monsters don’t play the good guy role. But you people.....you don't even hesitate to kill your own"

Lady Bevell scoffed, "Uh...you're talking about Mick? He wasn’t all rainbow and sunshine, was he? He too had his fair of secrets. You all are ignorant enough not to see that"

"What do you mean?", Sam asked.

Smiling Lady Bevell answered, "Mick and I were sent here originally to include you two in our team. And before we approach you, British Men of Letters gathered all the information they could find about you guys. So We know all about you, your friends, your whereabouts, your cases, even your past girlfriends"

My eyes widened. These people were nuts. She continued,

"It's clear we have most of the information about you two in our database. But...."

"But what?", Dean asked clenching his jaw.

"We didn’t know about the little Winchester. Not until Mick told you about her. Think Dean....after doing months of research, our best people didn’t get a peep about Miss Stratton but Mick-- out of nowhere produced a file containing everything about her"

A cold shiver ran through my spine. I asked with a quickening heartbeat, "Are you saying I'm not his daughter?"

"You are. I did a DNA test myself", she simply stated.

"Then what are you implying on?", Sam asked furrowing his brows.

"I'm saying Mick knew her personally. Probably for a long time"

"But how...? Fayre doesn’t know him", Sam said looking in my way.

I nodded my head up and down quickly. I didn’t know that guy. I only met him once when we all went to rescue dad and uncle Sam. And the next thing I knew, he was dead.

"Well it’s for you guys to find out", she said.

Yeah, it was for us to find out only if we could get out of here alive. We were trapped for two days already and the air was getting thin. We needed to do something fast.

Suddenly Dad told my uncle, "Sam, got any explosives?"

Ah, oh....here we go again.

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