2. Decisions And Dilemmas

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"We all have two lives The second one starts when we realize we only have one. "

- Tom Hiddleston


	Two days ago

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Two days ago

"They are lying Sam", Dean Winchester shouted. "Why would they lie about this, huh? Even if they are, out of all things they chose this, this Dean. Isn't it looking fishy to you?", Sam Winchester calmly said.

"No, it isn't FISHY. They are just messing with us. I mean they practically torture you and you are believing them?", The older brother huffed.

"Dean, even if they are lying we should check it out. What's to lose?", the younger brother tried to reason. "What's to lose? I don't know, maybe our lives", scoffing Dean also added,"It could be a trap. I don't trust this... British man".

"And you think I trust him? Dean this is not something to take lightly. What if it's really true and then what would you do?", Sam again tried to convince his brother.

Gulping Dean said,"I don't have any.... ". Now his voice sounding a little defeated. So Sam finished for his brother, "Finish the sentence Dean. You have a daughter".

"NO, I DON'T. AND WE AREN'T TALKING ABOUT THIS ANY MORE", Dean practically shouted.

All this while Mary was listening to both her sons. She was thinking about that day when the British man, Mick Davies told them about this child. Dean's child. A small smile crept into her face remembering the time when Dean was a child. But she couldn't saw him growing up and unfortunately Dean also didn't get the chance. Was it really a curse for the Winchesters to go through this same cycle over and over. She shook herself from that thought. Dean left the room angrily. Now it was only Sam and her.

"He will come around. You don't have to worry Sam", Mary reassuringly said. Sam sighed loudly before saying,"I know, he'll come around. But with each second passing, he is missing out more, mom".

The older woman said," He knows it's true, doesn't he?". Sam didn't answer. He didn't have to cause they both knew, Dean just didn't want to say it aloud cause the moment he would do that, the weight of this harsh truth would be all real and that was not something Dean was ready for, not yet. So they just had to wait a little longer.


The bar was nearly empty. In the corner, the older Winchester sat down quietly. He was afraid. No, terrified. What would he do now? Should he just continue their life like before. Mary was here, they defeated Amara and still kicking. Life was almost perfect. So why now? Why now everything had to turn upside down. Having a child in this kind of life wasn't something anyone would want. Not to mention the Winchester's reputation. With them it was almost a taboo subject. He wanted this. A home, a loving wife with little chubby babies, even a dog maybe. How good it sounded laying in the motel bed all those nights, years ago, a perfect apple pie life. But now both he and Sam came so far, went through so much that little dream didn’t even matter. So why? after all this time, why she had to come? He was angry, sad even a little happy? And that's what pissed him more. So, glasses of whiskey began to grow on the table as the numerous amounts of thoughts began to running through his mind.


Present time

It looked like a good boarding school. The surroundings was nice. Both Sam and Dean was waiting outside in the impala. They were both nervous. Though Dean wouldn't admit but he was a little excited too. He was meeting his daughter after-all . There, he said it. After Sam's constant nagging, Mary's reassuring, he finally decided to meet her. He wished his mother to come too. But Mary left saying she needed some alone time to adjust. So now it was only him and Sam.

As they entered the building, Dean's heart was beating like crazy. He didn't know what he would tell her or he even gonna talk to her. But he knew he needed to see her at least, once in this life. Sam was quiet giving Dean a little space. One of the teacher saw them and took them to the headmistress's office. To their surprise, she thought they were FBI. They didn't correct her.

A lady came a few minutes later. Before the brothers could say anything, the teacher informed the new lady that they were agents. Now a fake smile broke into her face. She said," I am the headmistress of this school. You agents are here to investigate? ". The brothers nod. "I didn't know the FBI's gonna come. But still we will help as much as we can".

At this moment Winchesters were baffled. They were trying hard to catch the missing meaning of all this. But they didn't had to. The dumb lady spilled all the tea without even wanting to see their badge. After asking some questions here and there, Sam tried to talk about the girl they came for. This time the headmistress called the hostel super and almost shoved them to go with her. This school might be a good one but the security was shitty. All least this lady made their job 100 times easier.

The brothers was walking silently beside the hostel super. Suddenly they both saw a little girl, couldn't be more than thirteen walking absent mindedly toward a room. The both Winchesters were shocked when the hostel super called the girl's name. Her!!!! She was the girl. Oh God, she looked like a baby, so little, so cute, the older winchester thought. Before even the girl could mutter a single word, both Winchesters knew they were doomed for good. Dean almost couldn't believe his eyes. He made this girl! Him! He was proud of himself for the first time. She was wearing a pale, old hoodie. Still to him, she was the most beautiful human in the whole wide world. And they only met seconds before. Why was fate to cruel to them? They didn’t know.

But one thing both the brothers knew for sure that their lives gonna change. Now only time would tell what it going to be, good or bad. And with the Winchesters it was always.......

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