3. Confusion With Complications

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“ The dangers of the life are infinite. And among them is safety. ”

- Eleanor Everet


I didn’t know when I fell asleep last night

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I didn’t know when I fell asleep last night. After that weird outside of our room, I was feeling a little skittish. I still couldn’t get my head around it. I remembered seeing that golden glow outside of my room but the hallway was dark and nobody was there. It was a creepy.

So when I woke up, I was feeling all kinds of groggy. Yesterday I over-slept, was feeling groggy and today I under-slept still feeling the same. Life is cruel.

Our teacher didn’t come yet so I was reading silently in the classroom when heard one of my classmate talking about how the police closed the case of Ms Yolanda. What!!! But only yesterday those FBI agents inquired everyone and now they were already closing it?

I asked her, "Wasn’t it only yesterday they started their investigation? And now they are closing the case? Shouldn’t they try to find the killer a little longer?"

"Killer! What are you talking about Fayre? She died from the impact of the dashboard. There's no killer", my classmate clarified.

"Well then why those FBI agent would interrogate us?", I was shocked.

"Okay, I think you took Ms Yolanda's death hard. That's why you are talking about imaginary things. No FBI agents were here let alone interrogation", she said.

" That's impossible. They asked me all these questions, and....and they said they were partners. One's name was Agent Hawkins and...."

"Nobody asked us any questions. I don’t know what you are talking about", she was looking at me like I was crazy.

Then I realised not only her, all the girls in my class was giving me strange looks. They weren’t lying. Those agents really didn’t ask them any questions. But why would they came to me then? Surely it couldn’t be only for the case because they didn’t question the others.

Were they thinking I killed Ms Yolanda? No, no that was not possible. Then why? Why would they come? Maybe I should ask our hostel super. She brought them to me. Yeah...I would ask her. As the class began, I shifted my focus on the teacher but still the uneasy feeling didn’t go away


Our hostel super wasn’t here today. She had to go somewhere and she wouldn’t be back for couple of days. Really? In the time of need, nobody could be found. So I had no way to know about those "strange" FBI agents.

I thought about that the whole morning but still couldn’t find even a single reason why they only came to me. They both seemed normal. Maybe  they realized before asking the others that it was just an accident? Yeah, this seemed to click. 

Awhhh!!! I was really frustrated at this point. But I could do nothing about that.

Three days later

So in our afternoon break, I went for the store I worked on the weekends. I totally forgot about those FBI men and my life was back to normal.

And that's why I was shocked when I saw them in a fancy looking old car right around the corner where I usually walk around.
For a long time, I debated if I should go to them or not. Because it was all bothersome when I couldn’t find the answer but now it only seemed like inviting trouble. But in the end my curiosity won and of course we all know how curiosity killed the cat.

"Um...hi", I approached them cautiously. They looked shocked like I caught them doing something.....illegal.

They were still speechless and after a full minute, the tall agent cleared his throat loudly and said, "Hello".

"So.....You guys are still here?", I asked.

"Yeah, we still have some work to do", he quickly said before adding," What are you doing here?"

"I work there", I said pointing the store.

"Oo....", he didn’t say anything further. And like before his partner didn’t say anything. What was his problem? He seemed a little rough around the edges but the look he wore was showing a hint bit of nervousness.

So I couldn’t stop myself before blurting out, "Why don’t you answer me? I mean it's always your partner who do the talking. Do you get nervous around me?"

Oh my God! Did I really say that aloud? Now they were gonna think I was some crazy chick. Someone kill me right now.

The taller agent snorted aloud. Well at least someone found it funny.

"I....I am not nervous", Agent Hawkins looked offended. He also added accusingly, "Why are you here anyway? Aren’t you supposed to come next friday?"

"Yes, but Mrs. Johanson called and...... ", I abruptly stopped. How did they know I only work two times a week? A cold wave ran through my spine. I was afraid now. First they only came to me to ask questions and now this?

They were spying on me. My heart beat accelerated realising that. I was having trouble to focus and breath. My mind went back to years ago when me and mom were running from those guys. I was feeling extremely dizzy at this point. All the memories I buried deep inside of my mind began to come back piece by piece. 

Did they found me? Were they gonna kill me now? I heard someone calling my name far away, I tried to find who but couldn’t. As my vision started to fill with black spots, I began to fall limply right there on the road. Before I could realise what’s happening, I lost conscious.


Fayre was unconscious that's why she couldn’t tell that a pair of strong hands caught her before she could fall on the hard concrete of the road. But that was not the only thing she didn’t know back then.

She also hadn’t a clue how those hands were going to save her from all the bad things of the world, would chase away all her nightmares. And most importantly, would become her very own "warrior" just like she used to believe when she was little.

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