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    “ It is a smile of a baby that makes
           life worth living. ”

- Debasish Mridha


Fourteen years ago

Heavy rain was pouring outside with a little bit of lightening here and there

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Heavy rain was pouring outside with a little bit of lightening here and there. But the outside noises didn't bother the sleeping baby that much. Until the mother came and began to give chaste kisses on her pink chubby chicks. Waking up she smiled a toothless one to her mother. Seeing that a drop of tear lose from the woman's eye. " I am sorry baby ", she panted. The baby didn’t like the distressed face of her mother. She gurgled some meaningless noise. The woman laughed. " I know i'm supposed to be the one protect you. But why we always switch our role? " Seeing the situation gone to normal, the baby yawned. And fell asleep again on her mother's embrace.

Ten years ago

The night sky was filled with dark clouds. The streets were deserted except a mother and a five years old girl. They were trying not to make a sound as they were running not to lose their life. It was hard though. The road was very slippery due to the constant rain for almost forty eight hours. But they were still going. Distant footsteps were getting clearer by each seconds. The woman knew if she failed to go to him, they would kill the child. She didn’t care about herself. But she couldn’t lose the one thing she loved most in the whole world. The temperature was dropping quickly. The child was too cold and tired to continue . And they were coming. The woman and the girl took a turn to a narrow lane between two buildings. Seeing a dumpster the mother knew what she had to do to save her only daughter. " Ray, listen to me baby you have to stay here. I'm going to find the warrior to help us. You know him right? He can save us from the bad guys." the child cried," No mommy don't leave me, please "." I am not leaving you sweetheart. I'll be back in no time. You just have to wait a little. Don't make any sound ok? I will come and find you. Can you do that for me? ", the mother pleaded. " But it’s dark. What if you don’t find me? ", the child hesitated. " Then the warrior will come and find you, pinky promise. " Footsteps were much clearer as the mother put her daughter into the dumpster and close the lid. She didn’t wait any seconds running the opposite direction and soon disappeared in the dark.

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