12. Safe And Sound

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Love is breathing each other
with all madness

― Seema Gupta


The bunker was quieter than usual

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The bunker was quieter than usual. Lucifer was on the loose....again and because of him the famous rock band Ladyheart's members were all dead. It took a toll on Sam. Dean tried to stay optimistic. But he knew it too how the situation was getting worse.

The only thing brought joy these gloomy days was his daughter. It had been a couple of days he saw her and he missed her like crazy. It was still a  wonder, how in such a small period of time, he got attached to her so much. It scared him.

Not only for her. For his own sanity too. If anything happened to her, he would...

Dean forcefully distracted his mind from that. She was safe, happy and living her life like a typical teenager should. Only a couple of hours before they spoke. Poor girl was stressed.

Dean already decided once her exams were over, he would bring her to the bunker himself. She was such a smart girl. Even with Dean being careful, Fayre picked up the tension just listening to his voice. But of course he would shield her from all this.

So Sam, Dean and Castiel were trying to find anything unusual happening around them. So far they only knew Lucifer was hopping from one vessel to another. It was getting difficult to keep track of those. So, much to Sam's reluctance, Crowley was helping them too.

Their research trance broke when Castiel heard something. A prayer. His eyes widened realising who it was. Fayre! And she needed help. Castiel looked at the Winchesters only to see they had already noticed the change in his behaviour. 

"Cas, what is it?", Dean asked.

"Dean, don’t panic. I think Fayre's in trouble", Castiel said.

"WHAT!!", Dean was already on his feet. "What happened? tell me", he demanded.

"She just prayed to me saying she needed help", Castiel tried to explain.

"Then go, help her", Dean ordered Castiel with a panic stricken face.

Both the Winchesters were fearing for the worst now. Dean was feeling like he was about to have a heart attack. Sam wasn’t any better too.

"Dean...I can't teleport right now, I nee..", Castiel couldn’t even finish his sentence because the moment Dean heard Castiel wouldn’t be able to help, his knees gave out. He was feeling extremely light headed.

Sam then started shouting for Crowley. Just an hour before, he wasn’t thrilled with the idea that Dean powered down the warding of the bunker. But now he was ecstatic. Just a few seconds later, Crowly appeared and said,

"You know that we live in a modern world, right? People usually use the phone"

"We need your help. Fayre, Dean's daughter..." Crowley stopped Sam in mid-sentense arching a brow,

"And why should I help you?"

"Crowley...please", Dean pleaded.

That moment Crowley too understood the urgency in Dean's voice. Rolling his eyes, he grabbed Dean and simply said,

"You owe me"

And then both Castiel and Sam saw them vanishing into thin air.


When Crowley took Dean to an unknown dark road, the first thing he noticed was a burning car. He could swear his heart stopped at the sight of it. He took a few tentative steps toward it.

Dean wasn’t a fan of praying. But today he did. He prayed hard to God, Chuck or whoever he was. Searching around for his daughter, he just kept  chanting one thing in his mind. "Just be alive". Then he saw her. His little girl was lying on the hard cold road, a few feet away from the car.

He ran towards her. Relief flooded in his veins. But the joy was short-lived as he saw how battered and bruised she was. Also her shirt was soaked with blood.

With a shaking hand, he checked Fayre's pulse. It was there but barely. He yelled for Crowley who was watching the scene with a curious look.

"Heal her", Dean said cradling the unconscious girl in his arm.

"I can't. You should be grateful for bringing you here" Crowly said finding it all interesting.

"Then take us back", Dean said.

"For someone who have nothing to offer, you sure are demanding", rolling his eyes he took all of them back from where they came.

A few hours later

Fayre was on her bed still unconscious but healed. Crowly already left so it was only the brothers and Castiel. Dean sat on a chair beside his daughter. He knew she was okay now. But once she opened her pretty little eyes only then he could relax.

Meanwhile Sam and Castiel were wondering about what exactly happened. They left Dean alone. He was way too much shaken by today's incident. Well, they all were. It just happened out of the blue. Nobody had any idea about the Winchester's newest addition.

Even Crowley didn’t tell anyone. That  was why they let Fayre to go back to her school. So what happened all of a sudden that caused this much of a mess. Dean didn’t gave them any details how he found her. Once Castiel healed Fayre, Dean took her to a room and didn’t left her side for a second.

Sam suggested it was Lucifer who did this but Castiel didn’t agree with him. So now only thing they could was wait. Wait for Fayre to wake up and tell them herself.


Dean was stroking Fayre's hair gently when he felt her hand moving a little. He immediately grasped it with his own and said,

"Hey, sweetheart. You're safe baby. See...I'm here"

Slowly she opened her eyes but started to panic until she met Dean's green ones.

"Hey", Dean tried to smile.

But she just kept staring at Dean like she couldn’t believe he was there. Both Sam and Castiel came into the room and saw how fragile and small she looked. But at least she was okay.

Seeing Fayre tried to sit up, Dean told her, "Take it easy. Don’t get up"

She looked at him with her big doe eyes which were already glassy. And hearing Dean's voice pushed her over causing her to burst into tears. 

Dean tried to calm her down pulling her into his arms. But she was still shaking like a leaf even in Dean's embrace. So he just kept trying to tell her everything was alright now.

A few minutes later, she calmed down and started to talk,

"I was so scared. I thou....I thought I would never see you guys again"

"We're here now, sweetheart. We all are here", Dean tightened his hold on her.

"If your angel friend didn’t pull me out of the car, I would be dead by now", hiccuping she said.

All the men froze. Sam tried to ask hoping it was just a misunderstanding,

"Who pulled you out Fayre?"

Burying her head further into Dean's chest she answered, "Castiel. I prayed to him like dad said and he came. Otherwise I would be toasted by now"

A chill ran down Dean's spine. Sam was pale too. Clearly it wasn’t the angel who pulled her out of the car. Then who was it?

A/N: I know I am like super duper late, but still this chapter is for you BpmGilbert. "Happy Belated Birthday"

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