Chapter 44, Music room...

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*No one's POV*

"As niiiice as this is. It's slightly cringy," Jungkook said as Hoseok was talking about something with Namjoon. 

"I hate to agree with Jeon, but he's right. This is a massive room and we are forced to stay this close to each other?" Yoongi asked and looked to his right. "For god sake we don't need to be knee to knee."

"Well you two still have beef to sort out and we wanna do this. No point in dragging out a cloud after the greet night we had," Jin said and walked over. "And Jungkook, you know how much this will mean to Jimin for us all to get along."

Jungkook looked over to Jimin who was talking to Taehyung, the both of them were laughing their heads off and he smiled at his boyfriend. He wanted to try and get over the rocks in his life and start again with Jimin and his old friends. 

Time went by, Hoseok and Namjoon done talking to each other and joined the group. They discussed what they wanted to try with leads. Taehyung, Jin, Jimin and Jungkook would be singers and Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon would rap.

"So how about we use this room as a meet up? It's away from any attention and it means we have some place where we can escape. Some place we can be ourselves," Namjoon said and smiled at the group. "Meet here after lunch?"

The group agreed and dismembered into the school, Namjoon and Jin going to p.e, Hoseok, Taehyung and Yoongi going to English. Meanwhile Jimin and Jungkook skipped and did a circle around the school trying to find a place to sit.

They just ended up back at the music room.

"This group is going to be brilliant, I know it is," Jimin said while turning upside down on a pole. Jungkook watched him and saw as his shirt fell exposing his stomach. "What do you think Kookie?"

Jungkook got up and went to Jimin, grabbing his shirt and pulling it up and tucking it in his trousers. "Yeah, lovely," Jungkook said and looked around. He grabbed a sheet and pulled it, seeing a piano under it. He sat on the seat and cracked his knuckles.

"Oh come on, I know that you will like it!" Jimin said as he flipped and got off the bar. He took a seat beside Jungkook and pressed a key. "Do you know how to play?"

"Kind of, I'm a bit rusty though," Jungkook said and took in a breath. He closed his eyes, and started to play. Jimin smiled fondly at his boyfriend, closed his eyes and swayed his head. The song was peaceful, but had a hint of sadness to it. 

While Jungkook was playing, Jimin placed his hand on his thigh which caused Jungkook to stop. 

"Jimin, do you really think this will be alright?" Jungkook asked and placed his hand on Jimin's hand. "Being in this group, won't it cause arguments and fallout's? What if one of them get in between us?"

"Oi calm down. I trust all of them and you trust Tae, you trust me right?" Jimin asked and Jungkook nodded instantly. "So this will work out. I promise."

Jungkook sighed as he placed his head on Jimin's shoulder looking down at the piano,  the thing that gave him comfort when he needed it. "Want me to teach you?" Jungkook asked as he grabbed one of Jimin's hand and placed in on the piano.

One key at a time, Jungkook played it with Jimin until he let go. Jimin tried to make something that sounded like it was put together with thought, but it ended up sounding like something a child had thrown together.

"How was that?" Jimin asked looking to the side. Jungkook laughed, kissing his boyfriend on his cheek.

"It was a good first attempt, but I think you should stick with your pretty angelic voice," Jungkook laughed out and the pair broke out into a laughing fit. The door opened and they became radio silent. Yoongi had walked in looking lost in his eyes until he spotted the pair.

"I-I'm sorry, I guess you two are skipping?" Yoongi asked and Jimin smiled at him. Jungkook held a neutral face to him as the older person walked over to them. "I want to- I ask you guys, if it's alright that I stay in here."

"Of course Yoongi, we don't mind," Jimin said and felt Jungkook grip his hand. The room was filled with silence as Jungkook didn't want to talk and Jimin had no clue what to say. So Jimin tried to play the piano. But he kept making something that would hurt ears that weren't his friends.

Yoongi snickered and looked over, Jimin's face was going red from embarrassment. "You're awful Jimin. Jungkook please tell me you're not letting him try and teach you," Yoongi laughed and walked over to the boys. He sat down on the edge of the seat and placed his hand son the piano. "Want me to show you how it's done?"

Neither Jimin or Jungkook said anything as Yoongi started to play at the bottom and work his way up, Jungkook more in awe. He tapped Jimin to move, to which he did smiling to himself as he watched Jungkook watch Yoongi. 

Jimin moved himself slowly to the door, watching his boyfriend and best friend on the seat. "Y-Yoongi, could you maybe..." Jungkook went and his face was growing slightly red. "Could you teach me?"

Yoongi looked shocked to Jungkook, never expecting to hear the younger wanting anything from him. "Are you sure Jungkook?" Yoongi asked and although Jungkook had his held down low, he nodded it. "Alright then, pay attention."

As quietly as he could, Jimin slipped out the room and smiled with his back against the door. He walked down to a turning point, and bumped into someone. "Jin? You're not in class?" Jimin asked and the older shushed him and took him into a nearby room that had nobody in it. "What's up?"

"I thought I would've heard fighting by now, so Jungkook and Yoongi are alright?"Jin asked and Jimin nodded his head. Jin sighed and leaned against the wall. 

"Thank the lord. Everything we did was right," Jin let out gaining a confused head tilt from Jimin. "I'm determined to keep this group together now, I won't let anyone slip like last time."

Footsteps echoed the hall and Jin grabbed Jimin pulling him behind a desk to avoid getting into trouble. The door opened and Jin covered Jimin's mouth to try and calm his breathing until he heard the door close. 

Jin sighed, but then realized the music room was on her next visit. He stood up pulling Jimin with him and peaked out the gap. She peaked in and Jin cursed to himself, hoping they hid.

She closed the door and walked away, not batting an eye. When Jin saw she was away, he grabbed Jimin by his hand and they ran to the music room. Jimin was the first to open the door and couldn't see the pair. He had begin to panic, and started to press the white sheets covering old equipment. 

One poke at something made a squeak come from under. Jimin grabbed one side while Jin grabbed the other, and with a single nod they lifted it. A hand was thrown into the air, Yoongi was hovering over Jungkook with a scared look on his face.

Both of them looked relieved to see Jin and Jimin, Yoongi getting up when he could and standing next to Jin. 

"We heard her footsteps, we panicked and tried to find a place to hide. I threw Jungkook to the floor, sorry about that by the way," Yoongi said and Jungkook just put on a pout. "And grabbed a white sheet to cover us, she didn't expect anything."

The four burst out laughing while Jin looked at them fondly. He turned his back and got his phone out, and his contact for Namjoon.


We're safe x

Next chapter will be the last one for this story! Next one that I will focus on is yet to be figured out by myself so for now it will be left as a mystery.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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