Chapter 23, Under thy water...

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Tuesday, 12:30pm
*Jungkook's POV*
"Dude tell me why he looks kind of cute while swimming," Tae said and pointed to Jimin in the water. "Like his personality is cute but come on. This is a crime."

"The way your talking is as if you have a crush on the guy," I said and turned away to see everyone spread out. Namjoon, Jin and Suga were sitting in a corner and J-Hope was out swimming like Jimin.

"Na. Jimin's cute and all but I have my eyes on someone else," he laughed and dived in swimming up to J-Hope. Jimin came over and sat up on the edge, running his hand through his hair.

"Why not come in? No point into coming in the place and not swimming,"he asked and I shrugged. "Come swim with me then, even just for a bit."

He already went back in and had grabbed my hand pulling me in. I may have got hit with the water but it was fine because Jimin pulled me up. He swam off, looking back to if I was following him.

I dove under to swim to him, he also came under and we just stared right at each other under the water. He smiled reaching out his hand to me and grabbed mine pulling me close and hugging me. I freaked. I looked around to see if anyone was looking but since we were under the water we were hidden.

Of course being humans we needed to breathe so he brought us both up to the surface smiling like a idiot. "Your really nice for a hug Kooks. Gonna have to do it more often," he said and winked at me.

"Stop being such a confident gay," I said and turned from him. He laughed  and hit my arm going back under and off to Tae and J-Hope. He slithered up Tae from the back and wrapped his arms around his back, then arched himself and slammed him into the water. He really does have some strength in him.

Tae sprung up from the water, and Jimin created a domino affect with students dunking each other. No one dared to come to me, well except Tae who didn't stand a chance and went all the way under. I made things easier for myself and took a seat on the edge kicking the water looking round.

I couldn't see Jimin, or Suga fot that matter. Where the hell did they go? I stood up and went for a walk, looking around the swimming area and even the jacuzzi but they weren't there. He is still dating J-Hope so he wouldn't dare try anything.

"Jungkook come over here!!" Namjoon yelled and waved from over a slide. "There a king of the hill type of thing and Yoongi and Jimin are going at it!!"

He disappeared out sight and I rolled my eyes getting up and walking to the area. And then I saw them, Jimin and Yoongi sitting on a beam with a weapon and trying to knock each other off. Damn. Jimin looks pretty good sitting up there, his hair all over the place and glued to his head, his abbs showing through his top...

"Get him Jimim!!" someone yelled and Jimin smacked Suga making him fall into the water below. Everyone cheered for him and he looked around finding who called out for him. I noticed Taemin standing over the balcony waving down at him before he disappeared.

Jimin got off the beam and help Yoongi out the water, I joined them at the bottom and Suga looked like a drownt rat. "See this, this is why I hate the water. And there was no need to be so rough with me Jimin," Suga said and held his side.

"Sorry, I don't know to be gentle. Want me to kiss it where it hurts?" he asked and Suga scoffed. While the girls around were just cheering for him.

"Sure, right on my thigh," Suga said and pointed down. Jimin shook his head and they joined the group. Tae saw me and waved me over, so I did and Suga smirked at me. "Hmm maybe my side needs a kiss as well."

"Jimin could I speak with you?" I asked and Jimin nodded. I grabbed his hand and took him to where the other students where in the big pool. We sat on the edge and dangled our feet in the water. "Are you seriously just letting Suga flirt with you like that?"

"Just call him by his name. And it"s harmless so I don't mind. Why do you ask? You jealous Kooks?" he asked.

"Well maybe I am," I said and turned away. Maybe I am jealous that the fact Suga can get so close to him and no one will say anything to them ticks me off. I don't want to accept this, that he makes me feel like this. "Jimin, you know he likes you. Right?"

"He is my best friend so of course he likes me," he said and I facepalmed.

I heard two pairs of feet behind us and I turned to see Namjoon and J-Hope had come up putting a finger to their mouths. They got behind Jimin and with a quick action they had picked him up. "Slammm dunk!!" they both yelled and slammed Jimin into the water along with themselves.

I got covered in water and moved my hair out of my face. Namjoon and J-Hope surfaced but Jimin stayed down there. A few more seconds and bubbles started to come from the bottom.

Which was enough to make me dive into the bottom without a breath. He was all the way at the bottom, failing around while holding his ankle. I reached out my hand, hoping he would see me. And he did, reaching out his own hand and grabbing mine. I planted both feet onto the ground and let him grab onto me, then sprung up and tried to reach the top.

I grabbed the edge and pulled us both out, I stood up and got him out the water. He was coughing up water while grabbing the side of my shirt. "Oh my god. Jungkook, Jimin are alright!!" Tae yelled as all of them came running. Suga crouched down to Jimin and went to hug him.

"Don't you dare touch him or I will snap your hands off," I growled and he back off. The life guard came over and took Jimin into his office while we were stuck watching through the window.

Haven't written a chapter as I have been working on my other account. This is just something I threw up for fun.

But yeah, Jimin almost drowned. Of course Jungkook nor I would let that happen. But the biggest question is, when will Jimin notice his best friend feelings?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

also on the side note. THANK YOU ALL FOR 1K READS. When I started this I didn't think it would go anywhere so thank you all😊😊😊

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