Chapter 27, Sneaking off....

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*Jimin's POV*
We joined the others at the main door and went off to the main town. It was a ten minute bus journey and instead of it just being us, Jungkook's group joined us as well.

Namjoon was happily in front talking to Jin and Jackson and the others had spread out, the one called Mark talking to me. "So Jimin, how's things been going for you in school. Also you alright from your trip under the water," he asked and I laughed.

"I'm fine with everything. Yoongi and the others have been helping me. Also Jungkook is really nice to me," I said and felt myself getting warm. I can't help but to always think of him, he may not be gay but that doesn't mean I can't like him. 

"That's good, all we want is for you to be at ease in the school," Mark said and linked his hand with me. "Don't worry, I'm just a cuddly person. Out of curiosity do you like anyone in here? I ask this to everyone."

I looked over at Jungkook, he was gabbing away with Taehyung and someone else laughing slightly. Yeah, I do like someone. 

"I think I do, he's a real softy but just doesn't want to show it to anyone," I said and walked off from Mark and joined Jungkook. Taehyung smiled as soon as he saw me and threw an arm over my shoulder. "Hey guys, so where are we going?"

"To a cafe in the town, I think Namjoon told someone we were going out. He also left out the fact that you're coming with us," Taehyung said and his arm got thrown off me. I noticed Jungkook had his hand on Taehyung's wrist with somewhat of a pout. 

We got to the buses and decided to split into two groups of seven, Jackson's group and our group. Only Jungkook and Taehyung stayed with us. Jungkook had kept looking at me, brushing his hand against mine every now and again and linking his pinky finger with mine. His softness with me is adorable.

"Jim-Jim, I wanna ask a question," Hoseok asked and leaned forward in his seat. Jungkook retracted his hand. "You dance right? Or so I've heard from Yoongi here, I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come practice with me one time?" 

"Yeah sure, I haven't danced in a while and would love to get back into it," I said and Hosok smiled moving away. "Jungkook do you dance? I know you asked if I sing but I'm just curious."

"I'm not too bad at it, why you wanna see my moves one time?" he asked and we both laughed. Yoongi coughed behind us and I rolled my eyes at him.

The bus stopped and we got out, but the town was completely jam packed with people. Jin had grabbed Namjoon's hand, then Namjoon to Yoongi, to Hoseok to Taehyung  and Jungkook to me. We created a sort of lifeline for us and walked through the hoards of people. Jin was talking up front but I couldn't hear him.

We walked for a little bit, until I felt Jungkook's grip tighten on me making me look up and notice he wanted my attention. "Jimin let's go out for some food by ourselves, these guys will be fine," he whispered and I just nodded. We waited until we got to some traffic lights, and when they turned red Jungkook detached from Taehyung and pulled me away from the group. 

I managed to catch Yoongi looking back at us with a shocked face and tried to follow us but Namjoon wouldn't let him leave the group. I also caught the slight wink from him. 

Jungkook made us keep running, until we reached another bus and jumped on. We showed the driver our passes and sat down, he was still holding my hand. I chose not to say anything, wanting to see what he would say. "I can't believe we have just done that," I laughed and he laughed too. I actually enjoy being alone with him, he becomes soft with me. 

"Yeah well you need to live a little, can't always be a good boy now can you?" he asked and I shrugged. I watched the streets pass by and decided  to rub my thumb against his palm. He looked down and noticed out hands still together and removed his. "U-um sorry about that, kind of forgot."

"Hey I don't have a problem, was nice actually," I said and Jungkook looked confused for a minute, until he joined his pinky with mine again. 

"Why didn't I notice before you have tiny hands," he said and I moved my hand from him.

"Well sooooorrry for not having big hands like some people," I groaned and he laughed, trying to grab my hand again. 

I caved in letting him grab my hand, and then I noticed the size of his hands. I hate him...

Jungkook pulled us up from our seat, making us get off the bus and we walked through a somewhat calmer part of the town. "I hope you know where we are going Jungkook. Getting lost while we ran away from the others is not good as we will probably need to message them," I said and he stayed silent.

I felt like a rag doll, just getting dragged to wherever he was leading me. He brought me to a bridge with a building right on the edge. "I know the people here, and they are brilliant. This where I wanted to take you, Maybe we could go see a film after," he said and finally let got of my hand. Which made me sad.

Jungkook opened the door and a little bell went off, the people of the cafe glanced at us with massive smiles on them. "Jungkook, it's been awhile."

I really wanted to get some Valentines specials up but didn't have the time. Ahhhh oh well, late specials for ya.

With Jungkook and Jimin separated from the group, what will happen? Or will somehow they be found? 

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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