Chapter 28, The second time...

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*Jungkook's POV*

I forgot that the people here are really too friendly, I probably should've warned Jimin before coming here. Oh well, just need to stop them from being touchy.

I wanted to pull out a chair for him but he beat me to it, pulling one for me. My face grew warm as I took it and he pushed me in, him taking a seat after. We grabbed the menus, even though I knew everything that was on here.

"Little Jeon, it's so nice to see you here again," I heard and someone smacked my back. I was about to sucker punch them until I saw who it was. "So wanna tell me who this is."

"Brother, slap me again and you'll have a bruise on your backside," I said and he laughed looking at Jimin. "Also don't harass him, he's a friend."

"Oooohhh a friend? When have you ever took a friend out to eat? You don't even ask Tae out," he said and my face flashed red. "What's your name cutie?"

"It's Jimin," he said and my brother walked away winking at him after we told him our order. "He seems nice, seems to have a nice personality."

"Yeah well you're here with me not him, so just talk with me," I said and I didn't realize what I said.

Jimin looked shocked at me until it hit me what I just said, and I turned away unable to look at him.

*Jimin's POV*

He's getting jealous over just words, he is too cute. "Kookie are you jealous?" I asked and he still kept his gaze from me. I laughed and placed my hand onto of his. "Aha hey come on, I'm not gonna look at anyone but you."

"G-Good," he mumbled and interlocked our hands. I smiled and looked around, the cafe was a little small but that's what makes it's cute. His brother started to come back with our food and had a wide grin on him.

He placed it down quick then rushed off looking at Jungkook and I and how out hands were still connected. "So I'm the first person you have brought out here? Sure know how to make someone feel special Kookie," I said knowing he would get flustered.

His face went a new shade of red.

"J-Just eat whatever that is already," he said and stuffed his pastry into his mouth. I laughed and ate a piece of my sandwich. Because Jungkook stuffed the entire thing in his mouth he had sugar around his lips and on his cheeks.

"Got a little mess on your cheek," I said and pointed at my own cheek for him. He went to get his phone out detaching our hands. But I was faster getting up and kissing his cheek getting the sugar off. "There ya go. You mouth is covered as well."

"Then why dont you clean that up as well," he whispered not meant for me to hear. But I did.

"I shall," I said and got closer to him. I looked at the staff and noticed they were looking over at us so I grabbed a menu and hid us. Closing the gap, my own lips met him as I kissed him trying to get the sugar off. But it went deeper when I placed a hand behind his head and he placed a hand on my shirt pulling me in.

We didn't want to pull away, our lips moved together as we wanted to go further but I heard footsteps coming to us. I moved from Jungkook and grabbed a cloth pretending to clean him placing the menu down.

"Annnd there! No sugar left," I said and his face hasn't been a normal colour for about 10 minutes now. I looked at the face and growled. "Namjoon what are you doing here?"

"You do know that you may be able to hide from the staff but the window is still on view," he said and we both froze. I didn't think about it.... "Look the others are at a bus stop away. Yoongi noticed you went missing and freaked."

I turned to Jungkook and he wasn't looking at me but at the ground, his face was now normal. Namjoon agreed to tell the others that we would be there in a little while and left us, Jungkook didn't say anything after. Once we finished and he paid we went to walk to the others, I wanted to link our hands but he pulled away. "Hey what's up?"

"The others are around there, let's just-" he said and stopped grabbing my shirt. "Just try not to Um"

I brought him into a hug and he flinched at first but hugged me back. "I get what you mean, but at least hug me yeah?" I asked and he nodded against me. I let him go and we turned the corner to the others, Yoongi looking at me with worry in his eyes.

He and Taehyung ran up to us, each one of them tackling us. "I thought something happened to you damnit!! Don't disappear like that!!" Yoongi yelled and tried to squeeze the life out of me, but he was shaking. "Don't ever pull that again!!"

"Nice to see you too, mind not killing me?" I asked and he loosened his grip but didn't let me go. "Look I'm fine, you need to take a chill pill before you grow old with stress."

We all laughed and Yoongi let me go but walked to Jungkook and Taehyung. Something was up there, Yoongi hates Jungkook.

Jin made me walk up the front with him and Hoseok while Namjoon travelled behind the other three.

Yeah I'm a day late. But Txt. No words can describe them, I'm having trouble on who's my bias😅😅😅. I'm happy to finally say I have been with a group since the very start, and hope people respect and love them for being them. Not just cause they're apart of BigHit.

Speaking of BigHit, I was meant to get this chapter for Valentines day....Whoops. Ah oh well, least it's out now.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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