Chapter 7, Their Little Meeting...

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*Jimin's POV*

The rest of the day flew by and it came to the last class, 10 minutes until the bell was to go off. My class got merged with another because a teacher was off, and luckily I had Yoongi and Namjoon in my class. "I can't wait to go home and just sleep," Yoongi said and raised his head from the desk. He already feel asleep already during this class, how can he want to sleep again?

I forgot I had to go meet up with Jungkook after school, couldn't he just talked to me on the roof? Yoongi seems extra ticked today, and no matter how many times I try to ask him what it is, he shoots me down. The final minutes went past and the bell rang, all the students bounced from their seats and headed home. Which I wish was the same for me. "I'll text you when I'm coming home Yoongi, alright?" I said but he didn't acknowledge me and walked out. Namjoon shook his head and left giving me a wave as I went around the school. I got to the last corner of the school and took a deep breath, stepping out and facing him as he was leaning against the wall. "So why did you want me here?"

"Do you really want my help? Or is it something else?" he said and pushed himself off of the wall and walked in front of my face. Oh god, his shirt is clinging to his body, was he just in gym? "Speak Park. Now."

"You know what. No. I'm not standing here and taking this," I said and straightened myself. "I don't know what happened with the others but you don't have the right to be all high and mighty with me, I don't care about the arrangement just get off your high horse!"

He looked taken back, like really shocked I even opened my mouth. "No one ever talks back to me," he said and brought a hand to my face. I thought he was going to slap me so I closed my eyes. "I like you Jimin. I like you a lot." Something warm then connected to my face and opening my eyes I saw Jungkook's hand was just lying there. "Come to school early tomorrow, I wanna talk to you alone again. I enjoy our alone time."

"What if I say no?"

"Simple, I'll come get you. Shouldn't be too hard to find you," he said and I had enough, removing his hand from me and walking away while I heard him laugh. I forgot to message Yoongi so when I got home Hoseok tackled me at the door.

"Did little cutie Jimin go on a date with bad boy Jungkook!! Spill it what happened?" he yelled and dragged me to the living room where Yoongi was staring at his phone."Hey Yoongi look, he's back."

"Jimin what the hell! You were supposed to let me know you were coming back!" he yelled and looked up. "Staying behind with him and you don't even tell me what happened?"

"I thought you said you were friends before? What happened to make yous like this?Is he that bad to be around?" I asked and the room went so silent you could hear a pin drop from another house. "Yoongi come on tell me. You tell me everything."

"Just drop it Jimin. I'm going for a shower then bed," Yoongi said and stormed up the stairs. Hoseok just laughed nervously and sat down but I wasn't about to give up at that.

"Come on Hoseok, you need to tell me what happened. Maybe we can all get back together? I can't be left in the dark here," I asked but he turned away from me. I ran my hand through my hair because all this silence is annoying me. "Hoseok, please tell me. I want to know what happened."

"Ughh! Why do you need to use puppy eyes while asking me something!" he yelled and I guess I won. "You've heard that I got attacked. Well back then before it happened Jungkook was friends with us. But when I told everyone I was gay he backed off, he joined the bullies of the school, told them and they all came after me. If it wasn't for Jin getting the principle and Namjoon stopping the fight I'd be expelled and have a hell of a lot of bruises. But that's in the past."

Jungkook really did that? But he knows that I'm gay and he didn't seem to care much, so why then? It doesn't make any sense. I was deep in thought while Hoseok was just staring at me, causing me to look up at him. "We won't let that happen to you though. Even though he doesn't look it, Jin is really strong and I'm not too bad either. Plus everyone is scared of Yoongi."

"Heh you think I can't do something? I'm guessing Yoongi never said I go to the gym," I said and Hoseok scoffed. "Why don't you and Yoongi join me? It'd be fun."

"Nope nope nope. I am fine, plus Yoongi is too lazy to even try the gym," he said and we both laughed knowing what he is like. I looked at the time and saw it was getting rather late so I decided to head up to my room, Hoseok did as well. Today has just been nuts, I think Jungkook just made it worse. Or better? Hell I don't know, but Taehyung was nice enough.

A beep came from my phone and it was my Facebook, I had a friend's request. 'Jeon Jungkook has sent you a request. Accept or decline.'

It won't hurt right? I accepted his request and set a alarm for tomorrow letting my body to relax and fall into sleep.

Jimin standing against Jungkook eh? Seems like that gained a little respect from him.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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