Chapter 39, The father...

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*Jimin's POV*

"I'm now feeling slightly uncomfortable standing outside here," Hoseok said while grabbing the back of my sleeve. "I'm now rethinking this plan. Maybe we can go to Kookie?"

"This was your idea starlight, and you have me with the attitude that I won't back down." I said and Hoseok pouted at me. We asked for Namjoon and Jin not to tell anyone else about this as it would just cause trouble. 

We walked into the massive building and I forgot on how big the Jeon's are. And I was, or will be again dating the youngest. I still feel awful from what I did to Jungkook, but those guys practically forced me to do that. And thanks to the others they have picked me up back onto my feet.

In order to avoid the main desk, we went straight for the elevator and tried to think where his office would be. To ask someone would mean we get kicked out to which I couldn't afford. "All the main baddies are on the top floor, so up we go!" Hoseok said and went to press a button. 

"Hold it, hot shot. If we go up there then we might get stuck on the wrong floor," I said and rubbed my neck. "I think maybe we should wait until someone comes. Hope that they talk about it or needs to take paperwork to him."

"Hm, got brains and some looks. I like it," Hoseok grinned and we each stood in a corner while the elevator got called up to a floor. My heart was starting to pick up, this was slightly nerve wracking. It would of been worse if I was on my own.

I watched as the floor numbers climbed, we landed on 5 and the doors opened and two women climbed in. "Awe! Look two new cute faces to the company!" one yelled as they piled in. The other was paying close attention to Hoseok and he looked at me with the look of 'save me'. 

I shrugged and watched them press the 11th floor. "Man today's hours are dragging, and I don't understand why Mr Jeon wants these papers now," the one next to Hoseok complained. "My shift is almost over, and I have to be stuck in this building for an extra hour. I don't even get paid for these extra hours."

I rolled my eyes and saw we arrived at the floor the women got off. We jumped off as well and saw that this floor was not nearly populated as the first floor and not a lot of equipment. "God damned place looks like a scene ripped from a horror film," Hoseok said and I silently nodded at him.

We walked down the halls, trying to find some clue as to where the big man's room was. Hoseok grabbed my sleeve, he was getting more on edge with how big this place was and from the small sounds were hearing. Creaking doors, small footsteps around corners. 

Someone turned the corner to face us, Hoseok let out somewhat of a scream and buried his head into my back. "Um what are you two doing here?" the women asked and Hoseok didn't dare to look over my shoulder.

"We have a meeting with Mr Jeon, we have some updates from his son in our school that we must tell him. But when we were down in the main lobby we were not told where his room is," I said and she smiled at me. She pointed down the hallway and I saw a different coloured door. 

I thanked her and grabbed Hoseok's hand to move forward. We stopped outside the door and Hoseok squeezed my hand. "I'm starting to regret this choice we have made," Hoseok said and I shook my head.

"Well, again this idea was yours. It's too late to turn back now, now that we are outside his door. If we want to be able to have things back to normal then we have to do this," I said and held his hand. "If you want go back, I will handle this myself."

Hoseok shook his head, and hugged me. "No, I gave you this idea. It would be wrong if I let you do this yourself. Also I would get a whopping if I did," he said and we laughed. With a deep breathe with the two of us, I knocked on the door. 

"Come in."

*Jungkook's POV*

"Kooooooookkkkieee! Come on, just sitting in your bed won't do anything," Tae said and I ignored him. I have never been this hurt over anyone in my life, Jimin was the only one I had fell for and to be shot down like that? Love is just a waste of my time. "Kooks this isn't healthy."

"Shut up and go make out with Hoseok," I said and turned around to the wall.He laughed and climbed into the bed, getting under the covers and hugged me from my back. "Why are you even still here? I'll get out eventually."

"Because I want to be out with you, I'm not gonna abandon a friend in need," he said near my ear and I turned to face him. "I understand how you feel, seeing someone you love leave you. So I won't leave here until I see a smile on that pretty face of yours!"

I finally laughed after getting home and wrapped my arms around him. He can be such a dork sometimes, but I think that's what drawed me to him as a friend. He makes me feel better when I am at my lowest.

My phone beeped off and Tae reached over to grab it, looking at who it was that messaged me. "It's one of our bros!! Jin," Tae said and I rolled my eyes at his cringe. He looked at the message, because he knew what my password was for my phone. "Wow, did he rewrite the bible or something?"

"What? Letteme see," I said and grabbed his shoulder to see my phone he was holding.

Alright, here we go Jungkook. So this whole thing between you and Jimin? Yeah he only backed away because he was forced to by some guys ordered by your father. Jimin really does still love you, believe me. A face like mine is incapable of telling a lie. 

Anyway, he and Hoseok have went to your father's company to talk to him. I think you need to get there now before your father says something to him that will make him and you never a thing again.

I know you still love him, so I suggest you get there now. Namjoon and I are already on our way there, and Yoongi has been told. He told me not to tell anyone, but I don't listen to anyone.

Tae and I looked to each other and I kicked the covers off. "Put your shoes on Tae, we're going to see my father," I said and got out the bed with Tae closely following behind. If Jimin is fighting for us, then I won't let him do it by himself.

The boys all come together to save Jikook, will they succeed?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!!

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