Chapter 3, The Meeting of the Group...

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*Namjoon's POV*

"I wonder if Yoongi has told Jimin yet?" I asked out loud and watched as Jin drank whatever it was he ordered.

"Probably. If not Hoseok would of told him," he said and looked at his phone. He showed me a message saying they were on their way and I just smirked. "We should order drinks. Hoseok got them last time."

"Well it's not question to what he will want, Yoongi normally takes tea but I have no clue on Jimin," I said and tried to think. Jin just suggested that we went with the safe option and order him a hot chocolate.

Jin seemed to be further away then normal so I took it upon myself to move closer to him. "I wonder. You seemed to be moving from me a little, only so much you can move Seokjin. But mind telling me why you're putting distance between us?" I asked and saw him gulp.

"I-It's because they'll be here any minute and remember. We-we haven't told them about us yet," he said and kept going back until he was in the corner and had me leaning on him.

"Well this would be a way of them finding out. We're not hiding anything, we just haven't said anything," I said and held his hand. It's really funny, he's older then me but he can be such a baby. "What you so nervous about? Yoongi and Hoseok are together and they're cuddly in public."

Jin just shook his head like he was avoiding this topic, I don't see the problem but I don't want him to be nervous about all this. I let out a sigh and back away from him, leaving a bit more distance. "Alright, I'll stop. Look they're outside," I said and pointed to a car outside and saw their hair which is too hard to miss because Yoongi looks like snow and Hoseok with his red apple hair. So I guess the blonde one is Jimin.

They walked in and as soon as Hoseok saw us he waved like a child and dragged the other two. "Hey guys, let me be the one to introduce Jimin!" he yelled and pushed him forward and held onto Yoongi.

"Hey Jimin. I'm Jin and this here is Namjoon, it's nice to meet you after hearing Mr Snow here going on and on about you," Jin said and received a punch from Yoongi. They all took their seats, Yoongi and Hoseok sat across from us and Jimin joined me and Jin. "So Jimin, Yoongi said you're going to be joining our school. You looking forward to it?"

"Yeah I guess I am. I just wonder how the people are going to take to me that's all," he said and rubbed his hands together. Hoseok's phone lit up and he had a look at who it was, he face seemed to be confused about something and Jimin picked up on it. "What's up Hoseok, something bothering you?"

"I-It's nothing. Don't worry, anyway Jimin," he said and tried to put his phone away but Yoongi grabbed it and had a look. "I hope that you might be in the same classes as either me or Namjoon."

"Oh god, no he won't" Yoongi said. "Remember it sometimes goes by age and who is Jimin closest to? V and Jungkook. He'll probably be with them if not then I don't know who."

The room went silent, apart from the others around us and Jimin just looked around confused at us. "Who are they? Like are they popular or something?" Jimin asked and Yoongi scoffed.

"Yeah they are now. But they used to be our friends until some snob of a group took them away," Yoongi said and looked out the window.

"B-But Tae still talks to us. So that counts for something right?" Jin said and Yoongi shook his head. "Jungkook is different though, we're lucky to even get a glance from him. He's really changed."

Changed is nowhere near close to what has happened to him, he's a completely different person. I've tried to clear things with him, but I can't get close to him. Everyone was talking happily but I got a call by an unknown number so I went outside. "Hello? Who is this?"

"Namjoon? Oh thank god you didn't change your number. It's Taehyung," I heard and I dunno if this is somehow really lucky or if it is really out of the blue. "I just wanted to call because I saw Suga and J-Hope go by in a car with someone blonde. Is he new?"

"Um yeah? He's a old friend of Yoongi's and is coming to the school but don't say anything please," I said and heard him nervously laugh down the phone. "Ughh who else knows?"

"I didn't tell him he was with me but Jungkookie knows," he said. I dunno if this is good or not, we wanted to ask him for help but I didn't expect him to see him until school. "Namjoon you there?"

"Taehyung, Yoongi was going to do this but it's better for me since your on call but you can't say anything. I mean it," I said and waited for a minute. "Remember the whole thing with Hoseok? Well we think it's gonna happen to Jimin and we were wandering if Jungkook can help him."

"He's not gonna help unless he likes Jimin. I could see what he thinks when he gets back but there's no promises," he said and put the phone down. I could hear them in the background but it was only slightly, seems like Jungkook was ticked at something but Taehyung when brought up Jimin he shut up.

"Rm that you? Don't even answer, what ever you want done I'll do it. Bring him up the roof tomorrow, the others can tag along if they want but don't expect a friendly greeting between us," Jungkook said.

"Wait before you go I wanna ask you something!" I yelled and hw waited for me to talk. "Why have you decided to do this? I'm not complaining I'm just asking."

"Do I need a reason to be around someone? And sorry but I don't need to explain myself to you. I'm going," he said and hung up the phone. What's got a stick up his butt? I didn't expect him to agree to this so easily, I just hope this is the right thing to do and things don't go south.

So Jungkook is on the plan? But what are his motives? Also what's with the attitude he has? Answers will be around soon.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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