Chapter 1, Fine...

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*Jimin's POV*

"Yoongi! Tell me why I should do this when I'm just fine here!" I yelled down the phone to my best friend. Yoongi and I have been friends for as long as I can remember and I'm just entering my 4th year in highschool, but he is in another school.

"Because I don't think you can survive another year at that school without me. Come on, moving in with me won't kill you will it?" he asked and I could hear him moving from the phone, probably to his bed if he wasn't already on it. I don't get how he can have almost perfect scores on his subjects while all he does is sleep. "Your parents are alright with it if your worried about it."

"Oh so you talked to my parents before even bringing the subject to me? Some friend you are," I said and he scoffed. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him, it's been a while since we've seen each other. I gave up and said I would move in which I think made him happy. "When you want me there? "

"Whenever you can really, the next school year is starting so I think you wanna be here before that. Some time next week if you can?"

I had a look on my calendar and I was fine for most days, apart from Wednesday for when I saw my dance instructor. We got a date sorted for when I'll go there and we hung up, him probably going to sleep.

I better start getting my stuff together.

*Yoongi's POV*

Oops, I might of left out a slight little detail. I also have another person staying with me, ah it should be fine. Jimin is normally good with meeting someone new. A knock came to the door and he wondered in like normal without me even saying a word. "You know I could of been changing when you walked in."

"Ah oh well, it's not like I haven't seen you topless before. Or without pants," he said and stood next to my bed. "So is your friend coming over to stay like you said?"

"Yep, some point next week. I think you two will get along pretty well. Also with the others in school, maybe you could message them saying he's coming to the school," I said and covered my blanket over me to go off to sleep.

Hoseok, or his nickname J-Hope in school ripped the blank off of me and just had an grin on him. "You do it instead of sleeping all day, I'm going to get ready because remember what you promised for us tonight, so don't you dare go to sleep on me," he said and ran out the room before I could say anything to him. I just sighed and grabbed my phone going to the group chat with my friends.

Suga🏀- it's confirmed guys, he's coming to the school.

RM🌕- Cool, you go on about him enough and now we get to see him soon.

Jin🐑- I'm just hoping that they don't go after him. After J-Hope they're looking for a new target.

Suga🏀- They won't touch him, I won't let it happen. Even if I need to talk to him and ask for help.

RM🌕-I don't think that's a good idea. Remember you guys aren't what you used to be. He might snap you.

Jin🐑- Well what about Tae, he could maybe help us get close. They two are like brothers and Tae talks to us every now and again.

Suga🏀- Yeah that might be better. At least I know with Taehyung he is easier to talk to. I'm going to go now I want to sleep for a bit. Promised Hobi I'd go out tonight with him tonight.

RM🌕- Keep sleeping all day and you miss the fun. Your like a grandpa.

Jin🐑- Namjoon he'll jump you, you know it. Anyway see ya Suga.

I put my phone on silent after checking my basketball group chat and set an alarm for 2 hours. I don't sleep all day, I just like to nap all day, there's a difference. Anyway Hobi will just come wake me up.

*Namjoon's POV*

"So Yoongi's friend is finally coming, shall we do a little research on him, Jin?" I asked and looked to him. We haven't exactly told Yoongi or even Hoseok about us two, we just haven't found the right time.

"I say we should, we didn't with Hobi and you saw what happened. Took 5 months for everything to be normal and I don't think Yoongi will be happy if something happens to Jimin," he said and moved closer to me so he could see my phone. The first thing that we looked at was his Facebook page and the profile picture was of him and Yoongi.

He had 100+ friends on it and with scrolling down even more it was just posts of them two. You'd think they're a couple. Nothing really was on it that could be taken and used against him, I'd say he's fine. "Hold on a minute, what's the one thing that we have been seeing here?" Jin asked and brought my finger away from the phone.

"Er..... him and Yoongi? How will that cause problems?" I asked and it clicked right after I said it.

"Everyone is gonna get him because they're gonna think he's not straight. It kills me that everyone is like this," Jin said and I couldn't agree more. That's partly the reason we haven't said anything about us. But it should be fine, Yoongi has the most powerful aura compared to him. With Jin, Hobi and me everything should be alright especially if Tae can talk to him and get him to watch out for Jimin.

This story was originally over on my other account KnightWolf05, but since I wanted to make different Bts stories I decided to make a new account. So, I know don't know who I like to ship Jimin with more, Jungkook or Yoongi. And with this I will be doing a Taekook and Yoonmin story here!! But every now and again I'll throw a little Vmin ball in there.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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