Chapter 24, His true feelings...

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*Jungkook's POV*

It had already been an hour since they took Jimin in there and I was getting ticked. They wouldn't let any of us in and only teachers were allowed in. We got told there was no point in going back in the pool so we were all changed and most of the others went back. Me and his friends all stayed though.

"Yahh this is getting too much. I need to get in there and see my bud," J-Hope said and was pacing back and forth. Tae tried to get him to sit down but to no avail so he ended up walking with him. 

"This is rubbish, I should be allowed in to see him. I've his best friend for crying out loud," Suga said and I rolled my eyes. Yeah best friend who happens to love him while he has a boyfriend. 

The doors opened just as he finished his sentence and we all turned with a lifeguard coming out. "Park Jimin will be fine, just needs to take things a little easy in the future. One of you can see him right now. Which one will it be?" he asked.

"I'll go."

"I'll go."

Me and Suga turned to each other and growled at each other after both saying this at the same time. "I think it might be best in Jungkook goes in. Come on Yoongi let's go to the front and wait for them," Namjoon said and grabbed his shoulder and started to force him to the way out. He looked at me before disappearing and winked.  

I turned away from him and felt my cheeks heat up. The lifeguard made room for me and I walked in, a topless Jimin on the table legs dangling off the side and swinging them back like a child. "Hey how you doing?" I asked and stood beside him.

"Pretty good, seeing how I survived almost drowning," he said and smiled at me. How can this idiot be smiling all the time? And why is it so damned cute. "Also I never thanked you, you dived down and pulled me up to the surface."

"Y-Yeah well I would of done that for anyone, so there's no need to thank me dummy," I said and patted his head. He then grabbed my shirt and pulled me into him hugging me. "You like your hugs huh?"

"When it comes to you of course. And I wanna say thank you, so you're gonna accept it. All clear?" he said and pulled back showing me his eyes. And my god I can get lost in them.

"Crystal clear."

"Good! Now let's get outta here, I'm sick of sitting here and not doing anything when I can," he said jumping off the bed. He stumbled into me and giggled wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "Bit unsteady, mind giving me a hand?"

I nodded and grabbed one of his hands on my shoulder and placed my other hand around his waist. "You have such a small waist, anyone ever told you?" I asked as we were walking. He just shook his head and I laughed snaking my hand down to his butt. And smacking it. "Also a big butt."

"Hm you been looking Kooks?" he asked and I scoffed.

We got to the lockers and it only now struck me he was still topless and in his swim trunks. I grabbed my bag and brought him into a changing room. "Can you change by yourself?" I asked and he put on a sneaky smirk. 

"Na, think you need to change me," he said with a wink. I rolled my eyes and stepped out, closing the door and placing my foot under as a lock. I gave him 15 minutes until he knocked on the door. 

I opened it and he was fine, so I wrapped my arms around him again and helped him to the door. Once the others saw us Suga was glaring at us, J-Hope was confused while hugging Tae who was also confused. Jin was on his phone with his back against the wall. Namjoon was smiling like a idiot at us.

Suga was gonna say something until he was rushed on the bus by Tae and J-Hope. Namjoon took us on our bus and Jimin flopped his head on Namjoon shoulder because he sat next to him. He was out cold and looked adorable sleeping. "Jungkook, could I ask something?" Namjoon asked.

"I'm all ears."

"Do you like Jimin, like as a friend at all? Because this is the fastest I have seen you warm up to someone since Yugyeom joined your group," he said and looked at Jimin sleeping. 

"I honestly don't know, like he has something Namjoon. It's like a pull that I can't resist and I'm a straight guy," I said and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Yoongi once told me he turned someone gay apparently. The guy asked Jimin out but he got rejected and never spoke a word to him after," he laughed. Hm, seems like he has a effect on a lot of guys. But can I accept this? "Are you confused now? And I know you think it's bad but honestly you shouldn't care about what people will say."

"That's the thing, I can't afford to not care. I have a reputation to keep also my dad would kill me," I told. My dad was disown me if I said I liked guys, and he is the only family I have left. Namjoon looked at me with sympathy after this and didn't say anything but just placed a hand onto my shoulder rubbing it a little. 

Once we got back to the louge I helped Jimin out again and took him to our rooms. Tae and J-Hope joined us in the room, them sitting on Jimin's bed and Jimin with me on my bed. "Man first Kookie almost getting frozen then Jimin almost drowning. I think you two ain't meant to go near anything to do with water," Tae said and Jimin laughed. 

They just settled in on watching something on Tae's phone, each taking a earphone and not paying attention to us. "So you staying in this room again tonight?" I whispered to Jimin and closed the little gap between us. 

"You want me to Kooks? Word of warning I might crawl into your bed again," he whispered back and nudged my arm. I snaked my hand under the cover and took his hand under and linked them. I looked up to the others and they paid no attention to us so I smiled and turned to Jimin. 

"Maybe I'd be happy with that," I whispered and he giggled taking his phone out with his extra hand and pulled a movie up. We fixed ourselves against the wall, our hands still linked under the blanket and started the movie.

Gotta love a soft Jungkook. Also Jimin. Annnd Namjoon. Annnnd ah screw all of them. Also who is excited for TxT? I know I am and can't wait for them to debut. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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