Chapter 40, Jimin and Mr Jeon...

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*Jimin's POV*

We walked in, Hoseok grabbed the back of my sleeve slightly nervous. The man in front of us was working, barley even giving us a glance. "Whatever work it is put it on the table and leave, I will get to it," the man said and his voice. It was deeper than Tae.

"We are not one of your workers," I said and finally got the man to look at me. His eyes pierced through my soul, but it was too late to back down now, now that we have entered the wolf's den. "I want a word with you."

"I don't have time for brats like you. Get lost," Mr Jeon said and I balled my hands.

"Well we didn't come here to waste our time either. So speak to me and I'll leave otherwise I'm gonna sit here and bug you," I said and moved to were 5 chairs were lined up and sat on the closet one to him. He looked and glared at me while I folded my legs and arms. 

Hoseok stood there completely lost and sort of taken back by me. I nodded to the chair that was next to me and sat down without any hesitation. Mr Jeon went back to his work and it ticked me off, but 2 can play the waiting game.

*Jungkook's POV*

"Why am I the last one to know about this," I mumbled as I tapped the side of the taxi door. Tae was sitting beside me and he was trying to call Hoseok. "Dude my father's building doesn't have service."

"What if someone in your family had an emergency? What if someone was rushed to the hospital?" Tae asked and I shrugged. 

"He wouldn't care much. I don't think he's gonna listen to anything Jimin has to say," I said and looked at the reflection of myself. The half moon pendant was hanging on my neck and I thought back to when Jimin helped... no saved me. When I see him, I know what I am going to do. "I'm sorry driver but can you go faster?"

He looked back at me through the rear mirror but nodded and went to just below the speed limit. Thank the lord we finally got to my father's building and jumped out paying the man. We were the first two there even though we got told last. 

"Soooo do we go in?" Tae and asked and I nodded.

"We do," I said and took the lead. 

However, the honking of a car stopped us. No, wait it wasn't a car. It was a truck.

I turned around and saw the other three coming up on the side of the road. I shook my head, but smiled at them.

*Jimin's POV*

A lot of time had passed, and the old guy refuses to look at us. I got bored with sitting down and got up walking around his office. I saw some pictures up of a lot of people in fancy suits, even some of landscapes.

"Wow not even a photo of your own family? My whole house is riddled with photos of nothing but my friends," I said and looked at him. He glanced at me but went straight back to work. "Seems lonely to me."

"Kid just leave, you're not accomplishing anything here," Mr Jeon spoke up.

"Na I actually like it here. Beside you need the company," I said and walked up to the chairs. I grabbed one and dragged it to the front of his desk and sat down on it facing him. "Come onnnnnn. Speak to meh, tell meh your name, tell meh your problems, tell meh-"

"For the love of god shut the hell up before I make you!!!" Mr Jeon finally snapped and slammed his hands. I saw Hoseok jump to the ceiling from his seat.

"Talk to me and I'll leave, otherwise I'll keep bugging you," I said and folded my arms. He sighed in annoyance and placed his pen down. "Glad you see things my way."

I leaned back on the seat in front of him and he growled at me. "What do you want?"

"I want to know why you want me and Jungkook apart. Why I was attacked and why the hell are you forcing everything on him?" I asked and placed my hands together and rested my head on them.

"My oldest is away with his own business, I need someone to take over because he is leaving soon because his stupid wife is pregnant," he began and I wanted to kick him in his manhood. "Jungkook has spent too much of his life being soft. So I needed him to toughen up.

"As for you, I will never let my son be known for being gay with someone as low level as you. No one knows you exist, you would run my name into the ground."

I couldn't help but let out a laugh at him. All he wants from Jungkook is business, not even the slightest bit of love is in there. It's worse for his older brother who actually sounds like he has a life.

"You are a pathetic excuse for a man Mr Jeon, I feel bad for the brothers having to share your name," I said. Mr Jeon tilted his head and stood up. "Jungkook is in charge of his own life, you can't force him to do what you want."

"Oh? And who said so?" Mr Jeon said and was right next to me blocking my view from Hoseok. "Tell me boy, are you trying to tell me how to raise my own son?"


A harsh pain came to the side of my cheek as I fell to the ground. Mr Jeon had just slapped me. He then crouched down to my level and smirked. 

"You are nothing to Jungkook, just someone who is distracting him from his life goals, his future, his-

"At least I made him happy for the little time I spent with him to the entire life time you have spent with him," I said and his face turned. He was about to slap me again before a hand had stopped him. 

My red haired friend I came with that has been silent this entire time finally moved and grabbed Mr Jeon's arm.

"You're not above the law, touch him again and the police will be here. And fyi, he bruises easily," Hoseok said and I smirked. Has he got two different personalities?

Mr Jeon shook off Hoseok and walked away, letting Hoseok come down to me and touch my cheek. It stung so I moved away and he was getting angrier. Footsteps could be heard from the halls, and by the sounds of it, it sounds like it could be a herd of elephants were coming our way.

But no, the door burst to our other friends with Jungkook leading the pack. He examined the situation and balled his fist at his father. "What the hell is this? What have you done to him?" Jungkook asked and a staring contest begun. 

"Do you actually have feelings for this thing on the floor?" Mr Jeon asked and I looked up to meet Jungkook's eyes. He looked back and came down grabbing me arm and pulling me up to standing on my feet.

He turned himself to face me and nodded to Taehyung who came behind me and covered my eyes. I trusted them, and felt something cold on my neck. Taehyung moved and I saw Jungkook's smiling face motioning with his head to look down.

I noticed what it was, and felt my heart strings pull.

The other half of his moon pendant.

"Yeah I do, so I'm doing this. You're not my father, I'm not apart of this damned family," Jungkook said and grabbed my hand. "Screw this company, screw the family apart from mom and screw you."

Jungkook started to drag me away while looking at the others to follow while Taehyung was at the back.

"Sis snapped."

So Jungkook is no longer a Jeon, and is free from control. 

Also Jimin has the half pendent, what does this mean for the boys and what is gonna happen next?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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