Chapter 15, Two Grumps...

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Sunday, 10:34am

*Jimin's POV*

"And how long are you planning on staying in bed Jim? Me and Yoongi wanna go out with you for a bit. We know a new cafe that's just opened, we heard Jin is working there," Hoseok said at the end of my bed. They've both been moving around since 10 and I've not bothered to get out of my bed, haven't been bothered to move.

"First off Hoseok don't call me Jim please, it's sounds too much like Jin. Also I don't want to go out today, you two go out without me," I said and rolled over from him. I heard him sigh and the weight at the bottom of my bed lifted, Hoseok got up. "Just text me when you're coming back..."

Hoseok let out a sigh again but walked out leaving me to my thoughts. I don't even understand why I'm still thinking about this, he's just one person I shouldn't worry about him but I am. Like a damned idiot.

*Yoongi's POV*

"Take it he's not coming?" I asked and locked the front door. Jimin had a spare key and I never leave the house unlocked, person in it or not.

"Nope he isn't budging, I guess Jungkook's words must of sunk in hard," Hoseok said and we both started to walk. Last night when I checked on Jimin and he was asleep, I told Hoseok the whole story. He believed the entire story, but was still shocked to hear Jungkook do that.

I'm not shocked though, that a-hole and his attitude flip more than a like fish out of water.

We got to the cafe and got seated, Jin walked over to us and he was in like a butler suit. "Didn't expect yous here so early. What can I get for you? And where's Jimin?" Jin asked and got his pen and paper ready.

"Jimin wanted to stay home, he's having a little trouble. We'll just take a cup of tea, I guess," I said and Hoseok nodded, smiling trying to brighten up the mood. Jin took our order down then walked away, Hoseok started to hum. "I don't see why Jimin still needs Jungkook, tomorrow is gonna be miserable if he's around him. I'm scary enough so I should be fine."

"But are you strong enough to help him in trouble? Be honest if it wasn't for Jungkook then would those guys had run off? We need him, Jimin needs him. They just need to talk about it and sort it out," Hoseok said and I admire that about him. He always tries to look on the bright side of things.

After a while Jin came back with our tease but he also had some pastries for us. He nodded while walking away and I pulled my phone from my pocket, a call from my mother. "Hoseok give me a minute I'm gonna take this outside," I said and got up.

*Hoseok's POV*

Without Yoongi it can get rather boring, even though he doesn't speak much the company is nice enough. I can't complain though, I love him for no matter the way he is. The bell went and I looked up to see who it was, Taehyung had walked in and looked around. He clogged eyes with me so I waved at him and he turned to me with a bright smile, walking over to me. "Hey Tae-Tae, what brings you here?" I asked and kicked a chair out for him that he caught before it hit the ground.

He sat the chair up right and sat down, putting his jacket on the back. "I was supposed to meet Jungkookie here, but I should of figured he wouldn't. He's been so grumpy since yesterday, when I talk to him he's not as cheery as he used to," he said and grabbed the menu. Hm, funny. Jimin is acting the same way. "Are you here with Yoo-Suga? Is it alright if I stay and have a drink?"

"One you can call him Yoongi if you want. And two of course you can stay!! I would never send you away and if he comes back ticked then I'll just slap him!" I yelled and people started to look. I had to say sorry to them and Jin came wondering over, getting Taehyung's order and walking back off. "So what do you mean Jungkook is acting grumpy?"

"I don't even know, he used to love talking to me but now he seems to only want to be alone. He does this all the time something is bothering him, never turns to me and deals with it himself. Maybe it has something to do with Jimin," he said and it seemed like we were on the same page. "Speaking of Jimin how has he been? Is he alright from the incident?"

"Truth be told, he's acting the same way Jungkook is. I don't know if he does this all the time but he's kind of locking himself in his room, we tried getting him to join us but he wasn't having it," I said and he nodded. I had a look through the window and saw Yoongi pacing back and forth obviously annoyed at something. He only gets this way when it's his parents calling, I hope it's nothing bad.

He came back in as soon as Jin brought Taehyung's drink and he sat down, scowling at himself. "Don't even ask. My dad wants me to go to them and stay for a while, they also want me to leave school. For two months!?! And for what, all because my dad wants me to take over the company!?!" he moaned and went down in the chair. "Also hey there V."

"Be nice Yoongi, we're not in school right now so call him Taehyung," I said and jabbed his side. He just sighed and collapsed his head on the table. "Also this isn't the first time he called you away, maybe it won't be so bad? I'll take extra notes for you like last time."

"I just really can't be bothered with this right now. Jimin needs me here and I'm not about to leave him, and don't get me wrong it's not that I don't trust him with yous," he said and looked away. Like he was deep in thought which doesn't happen very often for him. "I've just known him for so long and know he better than anyone, even his mother thinks I know him better than her."

"We'll talk about this at home, for now let's enjoy this little outing. Tae-Tae is alright to stay right?" I asked and Yoongi nodded his head, his mood moving from the grump a little.

Hm, both Jimin and Jungkook acting the same. Wonder what will happen in the next day of school. And Yoongi is being called away, how will that affect Jimin? What will Jungkook do with this time? Will the two make up?

Also I've included the day they're on as well as the time, just experimenting to see how this turns out.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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