Chapter 18, Tents up, Guard Down...

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Monday 12:30 pm

*Jimin's POV*

When we arrived on sight, Hoseok made sure he was the first to get off and grabbed his stuff. Once everyone was off and the buses drove away the teachers gave out our tents. Jin got his for Yoongi, Hoseok got his for Taehyung and I got the one for our group.

"Careful Jimin, Joonie here has a habit of breaking some things he touches," Jin said and patted my shoulder while walking away.

"I'll break you with anymore of your talk hyung..." Namjoon mumbled and took the bag from me. "I've put up a tent before. It was perfect so he's talking a load of rubbish. You ever did one Jungkook?"

I almost forgot that Jungkook was apart of our group, he's been so quiet since the game of truth and dare. "I did do this once, had some help though so not by myself," he admitted and came to stand beside me. Namjoon was getting the poles out the bag, saying since he's the older one he'd try it by himself.

"You ever thought that you may or may not have stolen my first kiss as well Jungkook?" I whispered and moved towards him. He looked at me with a little shock in his eyes, then the faintest of red appeared on his cheeks. So it seems like only I can make him this way. "I'm gonna count it, a kiss is still a kiss."

"T-Think whatever the hell you want," he said and turned away from me. "B-B-But you're lips were nice. I guess."

Heh, he acts tough all the time but he's actually nervous with me. Makes me wonder. "You like that eh? Well play your cards right and it won't just be my lips you'll taste," I said and smacked his butt while walking to Namjoon. He cursed something at me but I was too busy laughing at myself. He's not the only one who can act all tough and mighty. "How can I help Namjoon?"

"Fine you can help. Just join the poles together in the colour order they're supposed to go, you can do half and Jungkook can do the other set. Jungkook come here and help!" Namjoon said and he pulled himself over, not looking me in the eyes. I grabbed some poles while handing him the others, Namjoon sorted the inner tent from the water cover.

It didn't take long before we had the whole thing set up, free to put our bags in the spare room and set up the sleeping bags. I was in the middle, Namjoon on the left to me and Jungkook to the right. "Could you two make sure everything is alright here? I'm gonna go see if Jin and the others need help," Namjoon said and walked off not letting us answer.

Jungkook looked to me then to his sleeping bag. "I er. Think we have a little of the day off, I might sleep a little," he said and crawled to his bag but didn't go in it and grabbed his phone. I thought on what to do, to stay here and maybe talk to him or go follow Namjoon and see Yoongi and the others.

Jungkook sneezed gaining my attention and for some reason just seeing his face made my heart jump. So I just sat on my own bag and got my own phone out pulling up a reading app. "So Jungkook, have you been on this trip before?" I asked looking down at him. He glanced up from his phone and shrugged.

"I had the choice but declined it. Never really had a reason to come, Mark and the others never really wanted to come. This is the first time I've seen Jackson even take an interest in this," he said and put his phone down. "But to be honest, it was you that made me want to try this. God look at what you have made me turn into. A cheesy idiot, don't get used to it."

"Aw I made you change your mind? I feel special Jungkookie!" I yelled and jumped on him hugging him. He was taken back and threw his arms in the air like he was rejecting me. "I wonder though, what else can I make you do for me?" I whispered in his ear making him shiver. "I'm just messing with you. Also, you don't need to always act tough. With me and the others you can just be yourself. No need to prove something to us."

He just looked to the side, his face going completely red for how I was hovering over him. But he didn't push me off. In fact he just tried to sit up and placed his head on one of my shoulders. " don't understand Jimin I can't just. Just not be the way I am, I have to be this way or crap is gonna happen..." he said and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Tell me," I said and moved so he was facing me. "Tell me what would happen if you didn't act the way you do now?" He went silent under me. "Please Jungkook I wanna help you. The same way you're helping me."

"I just can't Jimin! I can't do it alright!!" he yelled and grabbed my shirt bringing me down so my chest was on him. The sound of the zip opening came and I looked back to see Yoongi was standing at the door, eyes widened and was in shock. I-I have no way to explain this. I'm on top of Jungkook who is clinging to my shirt after yelling 'I can't do it.'

"...Jimin, Jungkook, the teachers are calling us to be ready in 20 minutes," he said and walked out not zipping the tent up. Jungkook let go of his bear grip on me and sat up a little wiping his eyes a little. Was he actually on the verge of crying?

"I'm sorry I pushed you Jungkook. But when you're ready talk to me alright?" I said and got up from him. "I meant it earlier, you don't have to be tough with us. With me."

He just went red in the face and pushed me off of him, letting him get up and he stood outside. "Maybe alright? Come on before they chew our heads off..." he mumbled and went on a little. Maybe is good enough for me for now. I got up and straighten myself out, zipping up the tent and putting the lock on it and catching up to Jungkook.

I know exactly what I have planned for Jungkook, to why he is acting like this, but I ain't gonna revil it until way way WAYYYYYY LATER ON.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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