Chapter 35, Because of you...

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*Jungkook's POV*

Myself, Tae and Namjoon had sprinted to the café, my anxiety going through the roof that the fact anything could of happened to him. I saw the place in my sight and saw someone there, I smiled seeing the hair colour.

Nothing had happened to him, he was safe and sound. I practically threw myself on his back and tried to stop myself from crying. "Thank god you are alright! I'm so sorry for sending you her-"

"Back the hell up now before I break your neck," I heard and moved. That wasn't my Jimin, and now on a closer inspection his hair wasn't blond. It was white. Suga. "What have you done. We trusted you to look after him. But you've just got him in more danger."

"L-Listen Yoongi I can explain," I said and raised my hands up. But he wasn't having any of my words. He turned to punch me but Namjoon got in front and grabbed his wrist.

"Yoongi now is not the time!! Do not try and start a fight now!!!" Namjoon yelled as Yoongi thrashed around.

"No!! I don't care what you think, he deserves it!!!" Yoongi yelled and went to punch me again. "If it wasn't for him Jimin wouldn't be hunted down now, if it wasn't for him Jimin would be able to relax in school with us. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't of lost him!!!!!"

I couldn't speak, even if I could it would only make him more upset. Namjoon tried to drag him away but Yoongi's feet were planted into the ground staring daggers at me. I looked around for any sort of an indication that Jimin was here but I had no clue whatsoever.

Yoongi's phone started to ring and Namjoon let him go to answer it. Yoongi's face was starting to get more angry, to the point where Namjoon was backing away from him.

Yoongi hung up the phone, then ended up throwing it against the wall smashing it. "My stupid dad is demanding I leave and return home now!!" he yelled and kicked up dirt.

"Yoongs you know what your dad is like. Why don't you go and we'll look for Jimin?" Namjoon said and Yoongi growled at him.

"Do you honestly think I'll let this-this monster look for him when he is the reason Jimin is in this fricken mess!!!" Yoongi yelled and looked up. Rain started to pour down now as the clouds just rolled in out of nowhere. "I will never let you near him again."

Yoongi stayed silent after that and started to look around a little. I pulled out my phone and looked through my contacts and called someone. If I'm going to find Jimin in this large city, I'll need some help.

"Hello? Bambam? I'm gonna need some help from you and the gang," I said and turned to Namjoon smirking.

*A few hours later*

"Kook what's going on?" I heard and turned to the guys. Only five of them this time, Jackson and Mark were not here. Bambam noticed I was looking around and laughed. "They had a thing going on, didn't want to disturb them. You know what happened last time."

I wanted to laugh but felt eyes on me. "You guys know that group? That's against my fathers company, well they're after Jimin to get to me. And I think they're chasing him now," I said and Jinyoung looked worried. "I need help to cover the city. Namjoon's group is gonna help us."

"I'm not helping these guys, I'll look with someone else," Yoongi said and tried to walk off. Namjoon grabbed his shoulder to try and stop him but Yoongi shrugged him off. "Touch me again and I'll snap your fingers."

Namjoon looked down and stepped back, coming to my side while Yoongi walked off. "Jungkook, I'd say you, Rm and Tae all discuss where you'll look. But leave the south and west side. Baekhyun and someone else is coming to help," Bambam said and said walked off with his group. 5 is better then no others so I'm happy they agreed to help.

"Tae, you and Namjoon have a look around the west side of the city. I'll take the south myself, ring me even if you spot him. I need to be the first person he sees," I said and ran off before they could get a word in.

My shirt had already now stuck to me as the rain was never ending. Words cannot explain how scared I was, for something to happen to him. I should've told him how important my family was, and how much they stick out like a sore thumb. How they run almost every single company in this country and they have so many enemies. Maybe I wasn't the greatest person to ask to look after him after all.

The rain was picking up now, and it was hurting as it was hitting my body. I must of been running for ages, almost 2 hours. I was on the verge of giving up and seeing if Tae and Namjoon had found something. 

I stopped under a cafe that had an canopy above it and got my phone out, scrolling through my contacts and calling Tae.

*Taehyung's POV*

"Ah man I hope he's alright," I said as we pulled open an umbrella each. We ended up meeting up with Jin and he got us all umbrella's and agreed to help look. Jin ended up calling one of his friends called Ken to help as well.

"Why does Jungkook still have people after him? You think he's father would have gotten him a body guard," Namjoon said as we started our search again.

"No, that's why he threw Jungkook into the gym so he can defend himself. Trust me I tried arguing with the old man but he's the most stubborn person on this earth," I said. 

Namjoon hummed and we continued to walk, looking in every little corner we could. At least almost 2 hours has gone past and we found nothing, not even a hint or glimpse of him. We both agreed to call Jungkook and I was about to pull up my phone.

Until a figure came stumbling around the corner holding his stomach. "Namjoon...i-is that Ji-"

Namjoon had already sprinted off dropping his umbrella to the person and hugged him. The person ended up collapsing into Namjoon and he looked to me. "Call Jungkook now!!!

I'm gonna be so happy when exams are done. I only have two more to get through and my next is on Wednesday next week.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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