Chapter 4, Enter the School...

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The next day...
*Jimin's POV*

"For crying out loud Yoongi wake up!!"I yelled and shook him. He has always been like this, a pain to get up. Hoseok had to jump out, he didn't say why but I didn't question him either.

"Ugh you're younger, you should still be asleep," he moaned and covered himself. I just rolled my eyes and pulled the covers off of him, he sitting up and his hair was all over the place. "Why do you do this to me Park Jimin?"

"Because Min Yoongi, you're the one who wanted me to live with you," I said and he let out a half laugh. "I'll wait downstairs." I left him alone and went to the living room, taking a seat and just going on my Facebook. A friend request? I haven't had one in a while?

It was a a male who I haven't seen once in my life. Kim Taehyung is his name, wait is that the Tae they were on about the other day? I dunno if I should ask Yoongi about this. "Heya Jimin what's up?" I heard and an arm latched onto me. Hoseok was looking at my phone and saw Taehyung's friend request. "Oh, well this is fast. Up to you if want to accept, he's a real chill person. I'm gonna hit the shower."

He wondered off and I just let out a heavy sigh, this is what happens when I get up earlier and are already dressed. I was just staring at the request, not knowing what to do with it. Accepting him won't kill me, right? I clicked the accept button and a message was already coming through. I decided to do a little snopping and went on his friend list and searched for Jungkook.

Only one came up, Jeon Jungkook. Oh my god, he's stunning! Is this the guy they were on about the other day? He looks like he bench presses whales! I had to drag myself off of his page because Taehyung had sent two messages. The first one was;

'hey sorry this is random but I'm friends with Jin and Hoseok and I've been told you're joining the school and wanted to say hi.'

The other was;

'as you've read my name is Kim Taehyung but at the school I'm called V. You'll settle in well.'

He seems nice enough, makes me wonder if I'd meet Jungkook and if he'll be like this. I heard someone come, no fall down the stairs and I looked up to see Yoongi lying on the floor. "Finally outta bed I see?"

"How can you have any energy at this time in the morning? And how on earth are you already dressed!?!" he yelled as he sat himself up. "Wheres Hoseok? Is he ready because it won't take long for me."

"I think he's in the shower? And I'm up because of habit," I said and he just scoffed walking away. About 15 minutes later Hoseok joined me on the couch in the uniform and afterwords Yoongi followed. "Ready to go? We should have time to show him around and get his schedule," Yoongi said.

He got a taxi ordered for us and again it came rather fast so we piled in and got to the school 20 minutes later. It looks rather smaller then I expected but with the number of students that are out and about, I guess it's big on the inside. "EEEEEEH Its Suga and J-Hope!!!" I heard and saw a group of girls gather around us, Yoongi got an arm around my back and kept me in the middle of him and Hoseok.

"Good morning girls! Hope you all slept well and have a beautiful day!" Hoseok yelled and waved at them, then they all started to scream. We managed to push ourselves through the crowd and into the school. "Quick question Jimin, what do you wanna do when you leave school?"

"I dunno yet, I'm still thinking about it but why ask that all of a sudden?" I asked as we walked through the halls to what I guess was the main office.

"It's because we have a group in the school. Still trying to figure out a name for us but everyone is in it, can you sing?" Yoongi asked and made us stop somewhere. He turned to the people inside and asked for my schedule.

"I can sing alright. Is this an invitation to the group Yoongi?" I asked and he laughed giving me the paper. First two classes are English, great.

"If you want, we're not forcing you. Hobi here is convinced we try and get Taehyung in the group. But if he comes Jungkook will as well. And with the way he treated us am I hell letting that happen. Only reason I'm tolerating him now is for you," Yoongi said and walked off in a huff. Hoseok grabbed my arm and started to pull me so we could catch up with him and we got to some lockers. "We got yours next to ours. Shouldn't be too hard to find them since we got the ones next to the main entrance. Jimin I need to take Hobi away for a minute. Wait here will ya?"

Before I knew it Yoongi was already dragging away Hoseok so he just gave me a little wave as they left my sight. I just leaned against the lockers and watched as the students walked past, a few girls waved and giggled at me. "Park Jimin. That you?" I heard and turned to my right to see a group of guys heading my way but two were in front. One had some sort of boxy smile on him as he saw me but the other seemed to just have a straight line on him. The one who had the smile stepped forward from the group and got to me first. "Taehyung, Kim Taehyung remember?"

"Oh so your the person on Facebook? Nice to meet you finally," I said and held out my hand which he took and shook. The rest of his group stopped a little away from but the other guy who was in front stood out. I know that face, it's Jungkook! I raised my left arm to him as well but he just looked at me with a growl. I was gonna say something but someone grabbed my left arm and dragged me into them. I then saw it was Yoongi who had his arms around me.

"It's been a long summer hasn't it, Jungkook?" he asked and tighten his grip around me.

"It has Yoongi. Or should I say Suga?" the guy spoke and I just guessed that this was Jungkook, his vocie matches his face, and his face mathces the picture. The air feels thick, and everyone walking past was staring at us. The one I assumed to be Jungkook came closer and leaned into Yoongi and whispered "see yous on the rooftop," and left with the group.

The main stars of the story have seen each other! But Jungkook is not the normal happy bunny, what has caused this?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

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