Chapter 33, Return...

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Monday, 12:00pm
*Jungkook's POV*

The school trip was now over, and as upset as I am we had to go home. We never slept in those tents once and stayed in the lounge. I wasn't complaining though, Jimin always stayed in my bed.

He always held me close, whispering nothing but cute things to me and always kissing me in the morning and always before we sleep.

He's done what I asked, when we are out of the dorms and in an open space we only held hands out of sight. He's so gentle with me, how could I end up with someone like him?

The bus taking us back was different then our last one, we weren't at tables and just on our own. And the two seats had a curtain to separate everyone from each other. It's like the couch driver knew my wishes.

As soon as we sat down I brought the curtain over us and Jimin giggled. "I supposed we have a while till we get back to the school huh?" Jimin asked and placed his phone in the middle of us with a film already set up for us.

"Guess so, but I see you have something for us to do eh?" I asked and grabbed a blanket from my bag and threw it over us. I placed my head on his shoulder as he pressed play and wrapped his arms around me.

*Namjoon's POV*

"We haven't even started the move and they already sealed themselves away," I said out loud and smiled to myself looking at where they were sitting.

"It's nice seeing Jungkook happy. He always looked miserable a lot of the time," Jin said as he linked our hands. He ended up switching buses with Jackson. "Maybe Jimin is what we needed to bring us back together. But I guess him and Yoongi need a little work."

I nodded and got my mp3 player out and a set of earphones for us to listen to but someone caught my attention. Some one all in red was walking up to them and pulled their curtain.

He looked at them with a weird look but pulled his phone up. His flash went off and he took a photo of them!

I stood up removing myself from Jin. "Er excuse me. But what do you think your doing?" I asked him and made him turn to face me.

"Oh sorry. It was my mistake. I thought they were another part of my group. I do apologise," he said and went back down the aisle back to his seat. Now that I think about it, isn't he apart of the group that attacked Hoseok?

I can't remember his name? I think it began with K, but I have no clue to what it is. Whatever is his name, he gives me a bad vibe.

I tried to shake off my feelings and looked to Jin who was smiling at Jungkook's and Jimin's direction.

Finally after forever the bus journey was over and we all jumped out, back at the school that I have actually missed. Once Yoongi got out though he looked miserable. "Hey Jimin, spoke to Yoongi lately?" I asked and tried to speak quietly.

"No. I've tried, but he has shut me out," he said and Jungkook looked at us. Yoongi turned to us and we all glanced away quickly.

The teachers allowed us to go home so we all went our separate ways, myself going with Jin.

"Joon have I said how happy I was that your parents allowed you to stay with me," Jin said while keeping his eyes on the road. "Keeps me company as I never see my parents."

"They sure do never stay in one place eh? First they're on a plane aboard, next thing you know they're on a boat to another country," I said and took my jacket off to get comfy. Jin laughed at my words and I looked out, spotting a small amount of people that were gathering in a ally way.

What's with people and ally ways? And why do they look around about our age?

*Red Guy's POV*
"Did you do what we asked?" the boss of this little group asked. I hate doing stuff for them, if I didn't owe them a favour I would never even step a foot near them.

"Y-Yeah I did. It's what you thought," I said and brought up my phone. I went through my gallery until I found the picture. I hate it, I have never seen Jungkook look so content with someone.

He looks so happy and I'm about to ruin it.

I showed them the screen and their faces turned. "T-That is the new student. Park Jimin. He's apart of J-Hope's group, the group you last w-went after."

They all smirked, I looked down thinking I am now the cause of an soon break up.

"Thank you Kai, you have done us well. You'll be glad to know that you are now off the hook," another said and I felt some weight being lifted from my shoulders. "Go now, and never speak a word of this to anyone."

I bowed and took my leave, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I looked around and sprinted off to my home. I'm ashamed of myself, I have literally threw that Jimin guy under the bus.  

I ended up falling into a bus stop sign and slidding down on the ground. I pulled out my phone and called the first contact that came up.

"Chanyeol? Oh thank god. Listen I need you to do me a favour," I said while taking breaths in and out.

"What's up? You don't sound too good," he said and I laughed.

"Don't worry about me for now. I need you to get a hold of Baekhyun," I said and his breathing hitched.

"Why are you looking for him? Kai what's happened?" Chanyeol asked and I looked back in the direction of the ally.

"His friend, Taehyung. One of his friends friend is in trouble."

So why not throw in some Exo members eh? Also another group will be coming in soon which is the group Kai spoke to.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!

Also I've started a new Jikook book, so if ya want check it out!

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