Chapter 31: //Do You Love Her\\

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C h a r l o t t e 

When I got off my stop I began running down my street to get to my house. The bitter air numbed my skin and tinged my nose red. The tears weren't helping for it only blinded my eyes, but there's nothing I can do about it. I watched the tears fall to the snow creating black patches of snow. That's the result of crying with mascara that isn't waterproof.

I flung open the door and I already knew who was home. Thankfully it was just Liam and Riley. If it were my parents I wouldn't know what to tell them. 

'My boyfriend cheated on me.'

'I almost murdered a girl named Fiona.'

I blinked hard when the realization just hit me. My boyfriend just cheated on me. I gasped for air even though it was everywhere. My chest tightened with the pain of just imagining them kiss. What was to happen to me if I was there to see it happen? I guess shock would just overrule my body.

Heartbreak to me is like paper. Your heart is innocent so just like paper it's thin and perfect, untainted. He was the words on them. The perfect cursive written carefully on with such elegance that I was breathless. Then when he made a mistake he crumpled up my heart and innocence just like that. It was exactly what happened.

"What's wrong?" Riley asked, but I couldn't respond. I needed an asprin to calm the raging headache in my head that was like gongs pounding inside.

I staggered my way to the kitchen and I couldn't even walk, that's how painful it was. I slipped due to the snow that melted on my shoes causing it to be very slippery. I went to go stop my fall and steady myself with the edge of the table. However I grabbed at a bowl of cereal and just like me it went flying to the floor. The bowl broke as pieces of its glasses surrounded me. I went to go pick up the pieces, but I guess I didn't realize how numb I really am until I was clutching pieces of broken glass in my hands.

Liam made me open my fists causing me to drop the glasses. I just broke like that when he did that. I don't know why. "Why did you do that? Why did you make me drop it?"

"Charlotte you're bleeding! You were grasping glass," Liam pointed out. I looked down to see he was right. My palms had horrible cuts and were bleeding profusely. "Riley go take her to the bathroom to clean it up. I'll clean the mess here."

Riley nodded at our brother and led me up the stairs slowly just in case I was to fall again. I felt emotionless. She sat me down on the toilet seat and pulled out the first aid kit in the cabinets underneath the sink. As she dabbed the alcohol covered cotton balls I didn't even wince. I wasn't even crying. My eyes were dry and stinging from the crying and breaking down I had just done. As Riley put on the gauze for my hands I looked at her and asked her a question.

"Why do people fall in love when in the end you'll just end up broken?"

She looked at me for awhile as if she was gathering her answer. Before she spoke she began putting the alcohol, cotton balls, and roll of gauze away back in the kit. "Because it's one of the best feelings in the world. To know someone loves you just like you love them. Don't worry Charlie, everything will be fine."

"No it won't."

"Yes it will. We can glue you back like the bowl!" she chirped with her toothy smile. Even my ten year sister had that much faith in love. How come I couldn't do the same as her?

this sucked. I'm sorry.

Much Love Guys.



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