Chapter 12: //Sad Song\\

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[a/n: i honestly feel like this story is too rushed :( but whateves, this is just a short story meaning IT'LL END SOON . anyway pls pls listen to the song on the side when you guys read this bc i put in a lot of effort to find worthy songs to be the song of the chapter! i know i may seem pushy but pls. that's all i want okay?


M i k e y  

I couldn't have think of a better reason why? I mean, sure I don't have to work at Bean There for the next two months; because I rarely am sick and whenever I do have sick days I make sure to store them for something big. This definitely is something big alright. 

I can't face her, I can't face Charlotte because I am so scared. I am so damn scared about all of this, and it makes me so scared on why I'm reacting like this. She's just a girl, I mean, half of the population has the same anatomy as her yet I'm so freaked out over Charlotte and what went down with her and the douche of the century—you all know who I'm talkin' 'bout.

She's like Aphrodite. With her lush strawberry blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, creamy complexion, and the ability to make any guy bow down to her from her good looks. The girl can speak about five languages here! From English—duh—, French, Spanish, Chinese, and German.

And then there's me. The little peasant boy; an admirer of the great powerful Aphrodite whom in comparison is no match because he's simply weak and a coward. I mean, what's so good about me? I can sing and dance maybe, but are those really good qualities? No. Not like Charlotte's good qualities. 

I'm pretty sure no girl can compete with Charlotte.

A knock on my door was what sent me groaning. Why did I say I was spending time with my family? I mean all Nicolette does is annoy me, my Nana's idea of bonding is watching chick flicks, and my parents and I just bond when we're eating. 

"Who is it?" I asked politely even though my idea of a good time right now is listening to music to try to think of new dance routines.

"It's me." And there is my darling sister everyone who is barging into my room.

"May I help you with something?"

"Yeah, you can," she said before sitting on the edge of my bed without my permission, "Why are you here?"

"Well I'd ask you the same, but I live here."

"No idiot. Aren't you suppose to be working at Has Bean or something?" 

How dare she disrespects the great Bean There! "No, have the next two months off."

"Well you're stupid," she said, "So, what's her name?"


"There must be a girl because usually you'd be working instead of being here..."

Instead of protesting or fighting against my sister, I complied, "her name is Charlotte, but only I can call her Lottie," I've never seen Nicolette smile so brightly, "and she's, well, perfect. She can sing, speak multiple languages, play volleyball, and is so smart. You and Mom would love her. I mean, she has an addiction to coffee, but that's alright because I was honored to make a mug for her ya know? And not to mention she was the reason why I burned my butt during my first few weeks working there,"

"And she is just so beautiful. Her eyes are so blue, like the ocean when we went to Hawaii last Summer. You'd honestly love her because of her style even though it's simple, you'd think it's adorable. She engulfs herself in books and hoodies and it drives me insane!"

"So, what's the problem? She sounds like an ideal dream girl, why are you freaking out?" Nicolette questioned.

My shoulders slumped, "because, she has someone else."

And that moment, I immediately broke. My sister wrapped her arms around me as I cried and cried about Charlotte and Ethan. Am I experiencing heartbreak? No, I — I can't be, I've never...

No, wait, I can't have a heartbrak unless..

Holy shit. I — I like Charlotte. I'm in love with Charlotte Kimberly-Ann Morales.

this is for my dear luci cos she's bae btw

anyway i just realised this bc someone inboxed me, but charlotte was the name of one of the triplets in my first mikey story! xD awkward.

much love guys.



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