Chapter 23: //Solo Player\\

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[a/n: since y'all are freaking out on what happened with mikey and fiona here it is]

M i k e y 

Fiona drove us to Fort Tilden Beach in New York City, about an hour away from Manalapan. I questioned her once on what she wanted to talk to me about, but she of course told me to wait 'til we arrived at the beach.

Once we got there we stood on the shoreline, she was just staring out at the skyline while I was skipping rocks making a perfect three jumps.

"So, we're here, what did you want to talk to me about?" I muttered before chucking another rock causing her to flinch.

Fiona nervously draped a lock of hair behind her ear, still refusing to look at me, "I saw her. She's beautiful. Um, i - is she your girlfriend? (a/n: why do i feel like when you guys see this youre thinking in your head 'uh hell yeah she is') I - I just wanna know."

"Yes, she's my girlfriend," I confirmed, "Her name's Charlotte. She's nothing like the girls at your school who are very bitter, dry, humorless, and rude." With every cruel word I threw out about her friends she flinched.

"Mikey I said I was sorry what more do you want—"

I turned to her, my nostrils flaring in rage, "you're sorry? Please, enlighten me because I don't seem to be getting it, Fiona!"

She was starting to get angry, I can tell, "okay! Jeez, I am sorry I rejected you—"

"You didn't reject me, Fiona. You humiliated me in front of your school! When you asked me to go with you to your school dance I was thrilled, that was until you had to say that you didn't like me. That isn't the problem, no the problem is that you did it in the worst way possible!"

"And I'm sorry for that!" she exclaimed before clutching both my hands in her own, "I realized that no guy in my school treated me the way you did okay? You treated me perfectly and I threw it all away, I get that, I do! But, now, I really do want a chance with you Mikey. Please."

This should be perfect, this really should be. I mean, I have the girl I was so madly in love with pleading to be with me. This should've been perfect, but it's not. And for once in my life I've never felt so confused. I like Fiona and Charlotte, but, I just got with Charlotte and with her, things aren't as complicated as they were with Fiona.

"Please, I said I was sorry," Fiona whispered as she leaned in closer, her face merely inches away from mine. She's going to kissing me. Fiona Jane Montoya is going to kiss me. But, why does this feel so wrong?

Just as I closed my eyes to reciprocate the kiss back, Lottie's face popped into my mind. How beautiful her blue eyes are, how enchanting they are, and how they remind me how much love I have in me for her. Immediately I pulled away and dropped Fiona's hands, disappointing her.

"I'm sorry Fiona, but, I can't," I shook my hand as I took a step back, "I'm with Lottie, and I can't do this to her because she's my girlfriend, not you. You had your chance."

"But Mikey—"

"No but's Fiona. I can't do this to Charlotte."

After that there were no more protests from Fiona, but as soon we opened the doors to her car, she stopped me, "Mikey, just know that I'm not giving up on this, okay? Remember, I'm always here."

I know, but hopefully Lottie will always be there too.

here you go, now pls dont hate on fiona actually no idc really lol. anyway this is what you nincompoops wanted so here it is >:) nah jk i love yew nincompoops with all my heart.

much love guys.



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