Chapter 24: //Heart Like California\\

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  • Dedicated to My Best Friend Rhea :)

 C h a r l o t t e 

A few weeks later 

After my lovely boyfriend took my order I leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek causing him to blush and grin like a mad man, "what can I say, I like a guy in a uniform."

As he rang up my order he leaned over and whispered something in my ear, "your place or mine tonight?"

"Yours, definitely," I replied, "Oscar's having his girlfriend over, Liam's best friends are sleeping over meaning I have to hear 'pew pew' in his room 'til four A.M., and Riley's experiencing boy troubles so I'd rather not."

He scrunched his nose, "do you want me to bring takeover and we can eat in your room?"

I grinned from ear to ear, "you are seriously a saint, but are you sure you're allowed to? I mean, my parents don't realize you're in my room or that I'm in yours because they only check up on me before I sleep and they hardly ever do in the morning. I don't want your parents to think we're up to something..."

Like the innocent person he is, his face flushed with heat at the mention of his parents, "o - oh no. Don't worry, as long as I lock my door we're good."

"Good. So I'll see you later?"

"Yeah," he answered before giving me a peck and handing me my receipt. 

 I sat down at my usual table and began writing lyrics to my new song, Cool Kids. It's basically what I think about the food chains of high school; from the outcasts, the so called geeks, and the kings and queens of the schools; the cool and popular one. I was always titled as one of the Queens, being part of the Student Body, and the rest of my achievements. But I wanted to write a song based on the other side of the chain, like, what if I wasn't who I am? This song sticks out to me, and the passion I'm putting in writing this is unbelievable. 

But mostly, I wanted this song to be something for Mikey, to show that I understand him and that I honestly don't care for his part in the High School Food Chains.


Right after dinner I told my parents I was going to bed early, but in reality I locked my door and changed to my pajamas to head over to Mikey's. I changed into a pair of sweat pants and a thick hoodie. Once I opened my window I took one leap to a big branch on the tree that separated my window to the neighbor's twelve year old daughter—Alyssa aka one of the biggest pranksters I;ve ever met—so I was quite careful on whether or not I'd make a noise.

I climbed my way down the tree and sprinted across the street to the Fusco household. Mikey always left the window open for me whenever we had these kind of nights. His window wasn't too far so I just climbed another tree and hopped onto his windowsill. Though I am not graceful which explains why I almost fell on the pile of snow beneath me if it wasn't for the fact I tucked and sumersaulted my way in.

He wasn't in his room which meant he probably was still eating dinner with his family or in the bathroom. I wandered around his room and that's when his phone buzzed. I couldn't help but glance at the screen of his phone.

From Fiona: can we pls talk??

From Fiona: Im sorry

From Fiona: mikey srsly

From Fiona: i still like you a lot 

"There's my beautiful girl," I heard him say making me jump.

He stood at his doorframe looking very nice in just his basketball shorts. I wanted to drool at the sight of his abs making him frown," why are you looking at my stomach?"

I giggled as I took a step forward and pressed a kiss to his lips, "you're so silly, I was staring at the six pack you didn't tell me about."

The infamous blush rushed to his face at my compliment, to distract me he began kissing my jawline making me to want to roll my eyes back in pleasure.

But the thought still nagged me at the back of my head. Who the heck is Fiona?

ooh dayum idk bout you guys but i want a showdown to happen between fiona and lottie. #teamlottie.

much love guys.



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