Chapter 15.5: //La La\\

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[a/n; okay i was stupid and forgot that i had this in my draft so i might as well most it, consider it chapter fifteen part two :) ]

C h a r l o t t e 

I soon discover that not talking to Mikey is well, driving me insane. I need to, it's like I'm addicted to his prescence. The way he allowed me to slip my hand into his at the dance, his touch, it drove me crazy and I found myself wanting more and more. The way his hands felt so calloused but soft drove me to curosity. How he looked in his nice navy shirt drove me crazy. Needless to say, he drove me crazy if you couldn't tell.

I was so disappointed when he didn't ask me to go to the dance with him. I thought he'd actually want to go with me, and I was nearly fuming with anger after I found out he went with his friends and was, indeed, dateless. Looks like we're both clueless right.

Like I said, him not on speaking terms with me kinda made me a little sad—okay, a lot, but that's between us alright? So of course I had Ethan, Isaac, and Nina try to find out why. I mean, they're one of the three most popular kids in our school so they're bound to find out the reasoning on why Mikey is avoiding me like I'm the Black Plague.

I sat at the bleachers of the local ice rink and watched the kids and families skate together—some not doing so hot on the ice. I had my notebook on my lap, a pencil in my hand, and a horrid cup of coffee on my left side. Of course I am trying to write a song, my type of singing is rather, well, different. Like '80s Indie or Indie Pop. To say I'm a hipster is like saying that the grass is green—which it clearly is. 

I shivered at the coldness, how foolish am I to wear just a pair of jeans and my maroon sweater. Should've brought a scarf or another jacket.

"Charlotte!" I heard Nina shout and as she came sliding down the row I was sitting on, she spilt my coffee all over my jeans leaving, well, coffee stains. I smiled at the stain as I remembered the memory of when Mikey split coffee on me.

"Oops, sorry," she said sheepishly as she helped clean me up a bit, "Anyway, I found out why Mikey's avoiding you!"

"Really?! Why?"

"Well, I overheard Lea Blue, you know, that sophmore punk chick? Yeah her," Nina confirmed more for herself than rather me, "I overheard her talking to her friends about why she hates you."

"She h-hates me?" To say I'm baffled is well the correct term. Why would she hate me? I never knew a Lea Blue til well, right now. I mean, I know some people dislike me, but never hate. Hate is an awfully small word with a bigger meaning.

"Yeah!" Nina exclaimed causing us to get glares from parents who think we were disturbing their peace, which in some way it's true. Nina can never keep her voice at a low level, always has ot be high and loud, "You kissed Ethan!"

I choked out my own saliva causing my face to burn with heat, "what?! I never kissed Ethan! What? Ew! Gross, holy catfish I think I just choked. Thanks a lot, Nina."

Ew, why would I kiss Ethan? I can much less hug him for a long period of time, the guy has serious odors after his lacrosse practices. And sometimes before which is odd. He's like a brother and not to mention the fact that he has a new fling every week makes me very unattracted to him.

"I know that stupid," you couldn't have said that earlier Nina? "I'm saying that Mikey thinks you did. That's probably why Lea thinks that too, they're friends apparently because Lea's sister Quinn is dating Mikey's friend."

" FaceBook stalked them didn't you?"

Nina fiddled with her thumbs, "more like Twitter, but yeah! Now, go talk to your man!"

"Nini, tomorrow is New Years Eve he'll be busy and-"

"But he won't be too busy for you, am I right?"


"Don't you Nina me, Charlotte Kimberly-Ann Morales you will speak to this boy!"

"Says who?"

"Me or I will scratch all the vinyls you have, make sure you go to Starbucks instead of Bean There, and you will allow me to dress you." Sure my mom wouldn't object to that last one. She always critized my sense of style saying I dressed 'far too simple'."

"Fine, but if he decides not to speak to me I will hurt you."

"I count on it."


Oh Mikey, where in the names of Jupiter are you? I went to every place I'd suspect he'd be. Of course I would've checked his house, however I do not know it. 

I left so many texts that I was sure that I was annoying him.

So here I am walking around til I nearly reach my house. I might as well spend it with my family rather than searching for him when it's quite obviously that he does not want to be found. Or speak to me. 

I spotted a porch light on across the street. I squinted through the slight snow to see a familiar, slend, slightly built figure. I took a few steps forward, but hid behind a light post to make sure he or she didn't see me. I held my breath. It was Mikey. He lives across the street from me. How stupid am I not to notice him all these years?

But was I really blinded to not see what he has done?

so yeah.

much love guys.




nina on the side

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