Chapter 20: //Shake It Out\\

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M i k e y 

As soon as Lottie left I began pounding my forehead to my locker door before repeating how stupid I am. It's obvious that I make her feel like she's nothing, I know it. I'm a terrible boyfriend, but I'm so damn scared that I'll mess this up, I can't. She's the first person to make feel, to make me feel like this. I've never felt this for anyone, not even Fiona and that's why I am so scared because if Fiona can't make me feel like this, but Lottie can, it's just, so scary how my first love can't even make me feel like this. And I feel so weak and pathetic. 

I shut my eyes tightly and thought about the worst case scenarios that can happen. 1) she may dump me which is something I definitely do not want, 2) she hates me and ignore me, also not a good option, 3) or she's completely fine. Yeah, probably the first two.

"—Michael Fusco needed in the office, Michael Fusco," the intercom said causing me to snap out of my thoughts. Why am I needed in the office? I mean, I haven't done anything wrong in my life. Well, not that I know of.

When I entered the office I opened my mouth to speak to the lady at the desk, but was soon stopped when I saw a familiar head of brown hair. And when that person turned around I wanted to gasp dramatically, but all I can do is choke on the air, "F - Fiona?" Don't be ridiculous, why would Fiona be here?

She smiled at me, "hey Mikey, um, your Mom wanted me to pick you up for that emergency."

Emergency? What? "Oh! Yeah, uh thanks."

"No problem, you're free to leave early. I'll meet you outside in the parking lot."

I couldn't help but feel stunned, did Fiona get me out of school on purpose? Why? Holy shittake mushrooms. I walked back to my locker to gather my stuff and when I walked to the parking lot, she was there. Fiona was leaned back on the hood of her fancy sportscar that her father must've bought for her.



"Why? Why did you just do that?"

She took in her bottom lip between her teeth as she looked at me. Fiona still looked the same; same school uniform of a plaid skirt, a tie, and a dress shirt. The only difference is the length of her hair, once shoulder length were now up to her hips. I looked the same in my graphic tees, khaki pants, worn out shoes, beanies, and thick rimmed glasses. I haven't changed one bit, "c - can we talk?"

"I don't think that's a good idea, you and I both know that Fiona." Because I have Charlotte, and if I do this I'll be betraying her. 


"I - I don't know."

"Just this once."

And just like that I gave into her big brown eyes and pursed lips, "o - okay."

I got in the passenger seat of her car as she started the engine. She drove silently and the only thing keeping this drive utterly silent is the radio playing. I had my hands folded on top of my lap as I looked out the window, trying not to look at her.

I couldn't help but compare Fiona and Lottie, even though that was a terrible idea. How Fiona had dark, chocolate hair and how Lottie's was a beautiful honey blonde. How one pair of eyes were a warm brown and the other was an icy, sharp pair of blue. How Fiona had perfect, sun kissed skin and how Lottie had creamy pale skin. How Fiona's scent smelt like the beach and vanilla and how Lottie smelt like coffee beans and a distinct spearmint fragrence. 

Fiona's like a cup of coffee, you have to add the right amount of milk or the bitterness will overthrow the taste; you'll throw the balance off. Just adding the right amount of sugar can make a difference in the sweetness, if not you'll be left with an unsatisfying cup of coffee.

And Lottie's like a cup of Earl Grey Tea. She's a blend of different kind of fine black teas from India and Sri Lanka. But unlike Fiona you need to be extra cautious when you tend to the bitterness. You need to steep the black tea for three to five minutes, if too long it'll result in a cup of bitter tea. 

Odd how similiar they are, but different in their own ways.

And I realise now that I might as well deal with this Fiona situation now rather than later because if I don't it'll haunt me whenever I'm with Lottie. I need to get this off my chest.

in all honesty i prefer glee's version of this song, i don't know why.

anyway this is dedicated to WritersArtist bc she left me messages that were so sweet and her support is endless so thank you! And thank you to your best friend :)

much love guys.



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