Chapter 2: //Stay With Me\\

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M i k e y 

And she's back. The girl who's name I've never got because of my shyness. I remember her from last year, when she'd come by everyday and apparently from Trevor she's a regular customer who came by to Bean There everyday after school. I've seen her around the hallways of my school, but never had the nerve to actually strike a conversation with her.

Her hair now is a golden blonde that had an ombré effect that involved it going fully blonde to the tips. Those blue eyes of her can easily be mistaken for grey if a change of mood happens or if you were to just glance at her, but they were a blue alright. Like a dark cerulean perhaps. And since it's freezing outside she wore a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a grey tank-top, worn out converse, a beanie matching mine, and a thick dark grey cardigan that were so long it reached her knees.

She managed to make simple clothing look so good whilst for me I was so plain with my black tee and jeans. The only reason I wore a beanie is to keep my ears from freezing. 

I never got her name, but I think Trevor mentioned it once when I first asked about the girl who came everyday. Chloe? No. Catherine? Too plain for someone like her? Claire? Nope.

Once it was my fifteen minute break, I made myself a small cup of hot chocolate before sitting on the booth near the restrooms and where the end of the coffee machines were at.

I called for Marco who was just making a small caramel frappuchino. He's a nice guy who had a heavy Spanish accent and a thick mustache making me jealous at the fact that I can never grow facial hair, "what's up Michael?"

I smiled, "nothing much. When's your break?"

He checked his watch before walking over to the table behind me where he gave a thirteen year old girl, who sat with her friends, her frappuchino, "uh not til another hour or so hijo. Why?"

I shrugged, "just asking. Anyway, is Trevor here? He'd be proud that his favorite customer's back."

Marco looked up, his eyes scanning for her. Once he saw her he chuckled before grabbing a small cup and making a chai latte, "ah yes, Miss Morales. Are you comprobando su salida?"

I scrunched my nose, my Spanish is not that good, "what?"

"Sorry, um, I meant, are you checking her out?"

I choked on my hot chocolate causing the thirteen year old girls to giggle. I turned around and gave a small smile to them making them blush before turning back to Marco, "what? No! Of course not, just weird how she hasn't been around. Trevor always said that she came everyday and it just surprised me because she's hasn't been back for almost a year."

"Maybe she has her own reasons why. Oh! Michael, do you mind clean the windows? I'll take over your register, it's just my back is too sore to reach that high."

Marco is a nice guy and even though I dread to be in the cold right now, I can't just not do the favor for him, "sure! I'd be more than happy to." Wrong.

I threw away my hot chocolate before going to the employee lockerroom and replaced my apron for my Northface jacket to keep my warm from the terrible weather. Once I had the sponge and bucket of water in my hands I left the shop and placed the items done. I tugged my beanie downer in attempt to make sure I don't freeze to death.

I noticed her sitting in the same table writing in her journal with earbuds in her ears. I can tell that she's enjoying herself as she hummed along to her music, swayed her head a little, and how she writed swiftly and easily. 

I found myself distracted easily as I cleaned the windows. Sneaking glances at her was an often thing I found myself doing every two minutes of scrubbing.

When I was halfway done I saw her stood up and collected her things, throwing her things on her way to the door. My heart dropped slightly when I saw that she was leaving and it kinda disappointed me because as weird as it is, even without having to speak to her, I missed her presence.

As if she knew, she turned around once she left the door and saw me. The corners of her lips turned upwards displaying a small smile at me as she used her fingers and waved goodbye to me. Subconsciously I smiled and waved back causing her to giggle before she left the opposite direction.

I shook my head and chuckled lowly before silently singing Stay With Me by the legendary Sam Smith himself as I thought about the blue eyed beauty I found in my thoughts.

yes i chose a generic song sue me. but in all honesty i really do love this song and i think it's a good song for the chapter.

these chapters won't be long bc remember, this is a SHORT story.

much love guys.



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