Chapter 4: //Strong\\

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C h a r l o t t e 

"I am so sorry!" he exclaimed as he grabbed a clean towel out of the pocket of his apron and began dabbing the coffee stains that were on my journal. However what I was writing wasn't really important; it was name suggestions for a novel I am planning on writing. For my flannel it's old so this isn't the first coffee stain I have being a coffee enthusiast and all. And finally my face, it splattered on my cheek and my chin, but not where my makeup was since I mostly just wear eye makeup.

He began saying all different kinds of apologies to me which I found humorous seeing as how apologetic he is. Plus it was a mistake, everyone makes mistake, and I'm not really one to hold a grudge. I let things go easily.

But he and I are different.

He's like a song that's been written on a napkin by a creative mind that has many mistakes in them before he is easily reviewed and corrected. He was like a song being perfected in every aspect that it was unbelievable and well, beautiful. And then he was put in a studio before being sang with a different voice and was soon heard all over the place. He's a big deal.

While I am a poem written by a college student late in the night in a coffee shop. Being type in a typewriter and I am not reviewed. No, if there was a mistake soon, it was quickly erased. And mistake by mistake I am slowly becoming smaller and smaller til finally I am completed. But the difference between the two of us is that I won't make it like he has. No, I will soon be stuffed away and forgotten til later on the future until the writer realised that I am sadly just a mistake and a thing of a past. I am not a big deal. But, do you know what sucks? The writer, well, is me. I know I'm not as special as him. 'Cos well, he's perfection and though I see his flaws, I can't help but think of them as beautiful traits of his.

"-I'll make sure you get a new cup of your drink, I promise," he sputtered before handing me a napkin, allowing me to clean my flannel and face.

"It's fine Mikey," I giggled.

He froze before a small smile grew on his face, "you know my name?"

"Yes because of this," I pointed at the small name tag on his shirt causing him to blush in embarrassment.

"Oh, right, how stupid of me," he muttered.

"I think it's cute," I whispered only loud enough for him to hear.

"Thanks. Um, what's your name?"

"Cynthia," I lied, only because I wanted to just play with him. I can tell he's a playful guy judging by the way he threw a dish rag, but I know it's not aimed at me. He says it's for the guy behind me who I'm guessing is his best friend. For whatever reason, I still think his logic is amusing.

"That's a nice name," he complimented.

I laughed, "thank you."

i wrote this in ten minutes. 


anyway i chose this lovely song by 1d bc well i think it's a good song in general and the lyrics mean something to me when charlotte was comparing her and mikey.

this isn't my best chapter, i know that much. it's because it got deleted the first time bc my brother and his friend decided to play football causing it to hit a key on my laptop to delete it >-<

much love guys.



Coffee Stains ‣ Mikey Fusco [AU]✔Where stories live. Discover now