Chapter 27: //Problem\\

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C h a r l o t t e 

When my parents called me and my siblings down to the dining table I was feeling a bit anxious. What did they want to discuss about? I mean, it's pretty rare considering that my parents are busy almost 24/7—they're still very great parents.

"Now, we got some gifts," Mom cried out as she handed us each boxes. Mine was particularly heavy though, "For Oscar we got you those tickets to that basketball game you wanted to go to! LiLi—" God I can never not tease my brother for that nickname, "we bought you that new game system you've been saving up for. Riley, we know you've been wanting—"


Dad sighed before pinching the bridge of his nose, "wha—no, no we didn't. We got you those headphones you wanted, you know the one that costs, I don't know, A HUNDRED DOLLARS."

"And as for our little Princess," Mommy cooed as she leaned over and pinched my cheek, "well, why don't you see for yourself?"

I cautiously opened the wrapped box to reveal, well, a small kitten. How great. Most girls would be beaming with joy. Me on the other hand, well, I basically just looked disappointed. I don't hate kittens, it's just that I'm not fond of them. It was a bit bigger than the size of my palm, my thumb is half the size of its head.

"Girl or boy?" I asked as I took it out of its box and allowed it to lay on my right palm, using my left index finger to poke at its face. Apparently it didn't like it as it kept on gnawing at my finger everytime I did that. Riley was over my shoulder cooing as if it was a newborn baby, in a way it sorta is. 

"Boy, you're lucky we got this one. The breeder was going to 'get rid' of it, it's the weakest one out of the bunch," Mom stated matter-of-factly, "What are you going to name it?

Despite the fact that I'm not fond of this little fur trap, I still have to name it either way.

"Name it Mottie!" Riley exclaimed.

"What?" Oscar dumbfounded.

"Mottie, you know, Mikey and Charlie's ship name, duh. He says he's the only one who can call her Lottie," the way she said it it's almost like she's proud to acknowledge that.

"Nah, too feminie for this little thing," I claimed, "Hmm, I'm going to name you Bartholomew little grey. And it looks like you're staying in my room."

Mom slid her credit card to me, "after me and Dad talk to you guys you can go to Pet Smart and buy some necessities for little Bentley."

"It's Bartholomew."

"Right," Mom waved off. She then clutched Dad's hands and grinned, I was so scared that if she did anymore her face would break, "Kids, um, Dad and I have some important news to tell you guys. We got you these gifts because we want you guys to know that you guys mean a lot to us."

"So you're saying you bought this stuff to try to make up for what ever news you're going to tell us?" Liam joked.

Mom groaned before pinching the bridge of her nose, "I swear, our kids are giving me grey hair and it sucks cheese that Lottie and Liam are like me. I blame you Robert, why couldn't are children turn out like you, you know, calm and collected."

"Dad's calm?" I choked out before bursting in laughter.

"Anyway," Dad interrupted, "Um, well, your mother is pregnant."

There was a moment of short silence before I shot up from my seat as my head whipped around the room, "Where the heck is Ashton Kutcher? You're lying. I'm being punked right now, I swear I am."

"Honey, he's not lying, I am indeed with child," Mom rubbed her stomach which made me almost threw up. I should be happy for her, but that meant she and Dad did the deed. Gross.

I threw my arms exasperated, "Of course you're with child there are four children in this room right now!"


I finally collected myself thirty minutes after Mom told me the news. Gross, ew. After buying all the pet things for my little Bartholomew I then proceeded to Mikey's house. He's going to love him!

But I nearly stopped myself when I saw who was calling me on my phone.


Holy catfish. Someone shoot me now.

dun dun. who's tim? ooohhhhhh

and on the side is little bartholomew guise :)

i was gunna name it mottie, but well, naw

anyway, would any of you guys want to ooVoo me? If you do pls PM your ooVoo usernames and i will make a group chat for us mottie shippers and we can talk, you guys can give me ideas, you'll be getting some spoilers oops. and yeah. also you can DM me on Twitter your ooVoo my Twitter is @JustaNerdyGeek. 

and pls if you love this book tweet #mottie or #coffeestains and i'll retweet it! I just want to see if any of you would do it :)

much love guys.



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