Chapter 18: //If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn\\

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M i k e y 

We had only a few more days til school started again and we decided that we wanted to spend a quiet day together. Right now we're cuddled up in my bed together. My head rested back on my pillow, but was angled so I was somewhat up, whilst Lottie had her head laying on the left side of my chest. She played with my calloused fingers, calloused from burns when I was making coffee and playing the guitar too much, allowing my skin to go raw. But it was soft enough for her to find holding my hand enjoyable. My nose was able to take in the scent of her hair, the smell of green apples and strawberries engulfed me. 

"Your hands are so big," she grunted silently as she continued looking at them.

"You're so weird," I teased as I brushed some hair out of her face, "and, it's not my fault yours are so tiny. You're so petite, Lottie."

"Well thanks, good to know that I'm a small person," she sarcastically said before lifting her head up so she was now resting on her stomach and elbows. She leaned forward and kissed my nose, "You cold? Your hands are."

"Nah, I'm good, how 'bout you?" I mumbled as I left a few, soft kisses on her jawline causing her to let out a few giggles, "I'm good, Mikey. Anyway, how much longer til your shift at Bean There?"

"Um, I think three more hours? Yeah. We have a lot of time, why do you ask babe?"

Lottie shrugged her shoulders as she rested her chin above my heart, "I dunno, can I go with you? I need to get my coffee anyway."

"Sure, but I'm working the register, I'll make sure Marco brings your coffee out," I promised her causing her to laugh.

"You're a weirdo; my boyfriend is a weirdo." It sounded so nice when she called me that, because that's what I always wanted to be; her boyfriend. And now, here I am with one of the most beautiful girls on this Earth. How lucky can I be?

"And my girlfriend is a tiny person."

"I don't know how I can put up with you," she joked, but it made me lose my smile a little.

I pulled her so her nose was touching mine, and that I can feel her breath and take in her minty taste, "because you love me."

She nodded slowly as if she agreed with me before leaning in closer and allowed our lips to mesh. We just stayed like that, her halfway on me, my hands on the lower part of her back, as we kissed. I wouldn't call it making out because I'm still very new at this. But as soon as I felt the tip of her tongue glide slowly over my bottom lip, I can't lie that I didn't freak out. My eyes shot open and I pushed her back a little. Lottie looked at me embarrasedly as she tucked a few locks of her hair, but not enough to show her face for it was fanned so I couldn't see it. Of course I felt bad, I probably filled her mind with horrible assumptions when I pushed her away.

"I'm sorry," she muttered.

"Don't be," I told her, "I - I'm sorry, it's just, I'm not that experienced. Lottie, you were my first kiss."

Her head shot up when she found out and she looked at me as if it was something juicy I had just told her, but to me, it wasn't really a big deal, "w-what? You big idiot, why did you kiss me?! You wasted your first kiss on me! God, I feel so bad now."

"You're cute, but it's fine. I'd rather have you be the one to take it," I admitted, "It's just, I don't think I'd be good at that."

She blushed and smirked as she leaned in, "really? Well, I think you'd do a fantastic job either way. You're really cute."

"Why don't you show me?" And that my friend is how an innocent confession turned into well, what Quinn would call a make-out, but it was slow and passionate that it didn't feel like something compared to that term.

I'm falling for her, and I don't know if that's a good thing or not. If I fall any deeper, I may never get back up, but, I want her to catch me; to fall for me as well.

If I'm Aladdin, she's Jasmine.

If I'm Troy, she's Gabriella.

If I'm Peeta, she's Katniss.

If I'm Tom, she's Jerry.

If I'm Robin, she's Batman.

If I'm James Dean, she's Audrey Hepburn.

i think this is the most innocent chapter and sorta fluffy/sucky. Lol idk. anyway i love sleeping with sirens, they're bae okay? plus, this song is so lovable!

much love guys.



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