Chapter 28: //Behind Those Hazel Eyes\\

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C h a r l o t t e 

At the last minute I wanted to turn around and go back to my house to deal with this 'Tim' situation. But of course right when I was going to, Mikey was running towards me. When he reached me he gave me a peck on the lips, "hey babe, did you forget something at your place?"

"Uh yeah," I lied, "I was just going to get my scarf."

"Don't, I have one back at my place, we could head to the park and Bean There," he offered and as much as I wanted to deny his offer I couldn't help but obey because of the cute look he had, oh wait, that's his face.

"O - Okay," I stammered before he took the hand where Bartholomew isn't in and practically dragged me to his house. 

I don't know if he can notice the increase in the pounding of my heart, the heat that I'm producing out of nerves, or that I'm acting different.

However he did when we got to his room. He frowned as he sat down on the edge of his bed and made me stand in between them, "babe, are you okay?"

I gulped, "y - yeah, but um, is it okay if I raincheck on our date right now? I'm sorry, but I kinda want some time to think about something."

"Uh yeah. But isn't there something you said you wanted to tell me?"


He pointed to the small kitten that's fidgeting in my hand, dying to get out. I handed it to him and he chuckled before cooing at it, "awe, she's just like you Lottie! Clumsy, stubborn, and whiny."

I glared at him, "you're horrible."

"You love me."

I sighed before sitting on his lap, "I have no choice. Anyway, can you watch Bartholomew for me?"

"Sure. But you know if Rocky sees him he'll practically try to lick the thing right?"

"I guess, but I really have to go."

"O - Okay."

I felt so bad that I pressed my lips onto his tenderly. I made him part his lips and that's when I nearly lost it. God I love him.


I laid on my bed and stared at Tim's contact. 

Heartbreak is a punch in your chest. You get that feeling of your chest tightening, your breathing getting faster and faster, and tears gettiing choked up. You feel numb and so much internal pain that it's so complicated and messed up. No one deserves it.

That's when I saw him call again as my phone lit up. I answered it this time, "sorry the number you're trying to call doesn't work, sorry idiot."

I heard him sigh into the phone, "Charles..."

"I'm pretty sure on my birth certificate it says 'Charlotte'. This 'Charles' you speak of is dead."

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what? Please enlighten me, Timothy. You cheated on me, how am I suppose to feel?" I whispered into the phone as I felt my eyes blur with tears as I gripped the phone, "please, it was like you were slowly killing me. You don't know how it felt to see the guy you thought was the one cheat on you like you're nothing. That night, when I went to your room and saw you in bed with another girl, I — I couldn't handle it."

"Charlotte, I am so sorry, but I've changed! It's been a year. Can't we just move on? I love you so much, so damn much and I'd be darn if I let you leave again. I can't just move on because I need you, I love you."

"I can't forget those images of you with her, on top of her, and whispering to her how much you love her. You've said those words to me plenty of times, but how many times have you actually meant it? I'm done Tim."

"You don't mean that. Don't you love me too? You said it yourself, I'm the one. I always will be."

I hiccuped and choked on my tears silently, "I thought you were the one too. But you've proved me wrong and everytime someone says 'I've changed' I find it hard to believe because I don't have the effort to put my trust into you again."

"You'll never find someone like me again, Charlotte. Please."

"That's the point," I snarled before hanging up.

But how come some part of me feels like I'm making a mistake? That Tim may be riight.

yeah this sucks . k.

much love guys.



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