Forbidden Eternity. (21).

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Heya, finally, you dont realise how long it's taken me to write it and how dissapointed with it i am, seriously, it has nothing massive going on at all, i had to force myself not to write about a dramactic twist. But dont worry, all thats coming in the next chapter!

The Ball!

I have so many ideas buzzing around my head on whats going to happen at the ball,

So, hope you enjoy, and tell me what you think




Oh yeah, and im dying to put another Daniel Chapter in, you know, get back to his roots. Anyway tell me wether you want me to or just keep going with Katie. Its up to you guys :D

Hope you enjoy ;) xxx


Slipping under the covers, I hope maybe the warmth will make the horrendous things go away, but with everyone still crowding around my bed, including the one and only, it's hard to calm down.

The inane babble turns into just a monotone of chatter as I try and sneak under the covers. They just don't get the gist, piss off, I'm sleepy, and I'm wired, so no I don't want to deal with your assumptions and theories. The only one who has been quiet up to now is Daniel. But he's making everything ten times worse, while everyone else are talking to each other and paying me hardly any attention even though I am the reason of all of this, it feels like I still have a sense of being alone to figure everything out, Daniel just watches me, while I watch him in complete silence.

It's strange how just one person can have an amazing amount of effect on you...

"Are you okay?" That harsh voice cuts everyone else's conversation and all attention is on me. I glare at him for making them focus on me; all I want to do is SLEEP.

"I'm fine." I say stiffly, pointedly glancing at each face. Laura's, Ara's, Kurt's... Vanessa's... Why is she even here? "As you all saw earlier, I was fine then, I'm fine now. I haven't miraculously broken a rib, or fainted in the half an hour that has passed... So why you guys are still around beats me, you should all get to bed..." I look up at the clock, "It is nearly seven in the morning." I purse my lips at them.

Ara sighs and parks it next to me, throwing an arm over my shoulder. "But we care about you honey, we're just worried."

I smile weakly at her, my eyes being pulled towards Daniel, "I know, and I really do appreciate it."

"I still haven't been told what happened." Daniel says, his eyes trained on mine.

I open my mouth but Vanessa beats me to it, facing Daniel who is leaning casually against the bed post with his hands tucked into his dark jeans.

She explains everything from her catching me storming down the stairs with 'a heated glare'? and then she goes on by telling him about the fire outside and then me disappearing into the woods, coming out looking frazzled, and all she was trying to do was explain something to me.

I notice how she says something, and not that she thinks Daniel is involved with this. The fact that Daniel knew nothing about it and had to ask contradicts her.

"And what were you trying to explain?" Daniel says, casually, but I don't miss the flash in his eyes. My top lip twitches, then twitches again, obviously agreeing with me that Daniel isn't telling us something. Did he have something to do with it?

Oh shut up, it's obvious he didn't.

If he did he wouldn't be asking about what happened would he?

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