(32) Always You

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They were all so sure. When Aman was my boyfriend and still struggling with setting up his business, everyone in my life was sure that he was not the one for me. 

Everyone I cared about. My mother, my sister and my friends, they all said the same thing in one way or another.

He is not going to marry you... 

His mother doesn't like you and he is going to listen to her...

He is not going to keep you happy because you two have been brought up differently. ..

You will not be happy in that family because they are different..

I can't keep anything in my head for long so I always told Aman whatever I would hear and he would reassure me that none of it was true and things were going to work out. But it is so hard to not get confused when even the people you care about say these things. Doubts dance in the head and you wonder were you wasting all this time. You wonder what is so wrong with you that even after giving a guy so much of your time and basically yourself, people are so sure that he is not going to stay. You have been hurt before and you know how bad it hurt last time and this time you are even closer so you know it will be worse if anything. 

So I decided to live in the present only and one day out of the blue he asked me to marry him. 

Happy ending right? 

No, because all those doubts made me prepared. Prepared that he can go so I should be prepared to run. So the minute we faced our first obstacle, I got scared and asked him for a divorce. He was sick of me doubting him too so he let me have it. 

In the process, he never stopped loving me or started considering moving on. He tried to get me back and I also learnt my lesson while being away from him. 

We think marriage is so simple right. We forget that is so much deeper. The person you are going to marry is not just the person you will have sex with for the rest of your life. He or she is also someone who is going to be part of your family. The person you will face all your fevers, cold and coughs with. The rejection, the missed promotion, the lost money, family deaths and your old age sickness with. This person is going to influence your kids. What they believe in and know will be passed down to YOUR kids. This is the person you will wake up next to. This person is your travel partner and your personal diary. He or she is your best friend and your nurse in times of need. You will be basically facing your life with this person. 

Marriage is so much more than a beautiful ring and a gorgeous/handsome face. It is so much more than money and houses. It all looks like it is the only important thing when you are young, but life is about far greater than these things. 

It is when you find out that you are going to have triplets that your husband holds your hand and tells you everything is going to be alright. 

Aman isn't even being selfish. He knows how much this magazine means to me and he has already arranged for things to work out so that I can work even after the babies come. Sometimes he thinks so ahead of things and so much for me that I couldn't be more grateful. He has been so busy with work but he would still get up to help me out whenever I need it. 

He is the person I want to face life with.

"I can't fit into this dress," I told Aman who was looking dapper in a tux. "It fit me perfectly fine TWO WEEKS AGO MAN!" I started crying. 

"It is alright Mira," he said. "Can you please not overreact?" He looked up from his iPad and looked annoyed. 

"Why are you being rude?"

His face softened. "You are just so hard to deal with because of all the mood swings. Just please don't cry on every little thing?"

"Just please don't make me pregnant?" I said sarcastically. "You look handsome and I look like a watermelon. Seriously, do you have any consideration for me at all?"

"Are those babies in your belly or demons?" he said under his breath but I heard him. 

It had been six months since Caira got engaged. She got married back home in America but she was throwing a reception for her friends here in India. We were already an hour late. 


"So you have told me about a hundred times," he said. "You look beautiful."

"You are crazy," I said. 

"Just step away from the mirror and come to me," he said. 

"What now?" I said as soon as I sat down on the bed with him. 

"Firstly, breathe," he said and I took a deep breath and let it out. 

"Good girl," he said. He loosened the strings of my dress on the back. They ran all the way to my lower back and loosened them all. 

"Is that better?" he asked. 

"Much," I said. 

"What if I open them completely and help you out of the dress?" he said and winked. He kissed me on my cheek and then my neck.

"How can you want me when I look like a god damn football?"

"I will always want my wife," he said. "No one else. Always you."

I kissed him and he kissed me back. 

"Then you have to wait because we are late," I said after breaking away. 

"Fine let me go get Amyra," he said and left the bedroom. 


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