(6) Hatred

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"Actually, do you mind if I ask first? How do you guys know each other? Mira never really mentioned you," Aman asked the question that I was dreading.

"You know baby, lost contact with time.." I replied. But Vivaan wanted to add more and he did.

"I left for Chicago for further studies and we lost touch. She used to take classes with my sister who used to run a coaching center and that's where I met her," he replied. Okay, so he was going with the truth. "She said hi to me one day out of the blue and you don't ignore when a cute girl says hi," he said and looked at me with a smile.

Which I ignored. "I said hi to you because you had stepped on my shoe lace and you didn't listen when I tried to tell you twice."

"That is so not how I remember it..." he added.

"You were never good at remembering stuff anyway."

"But I very clearly remember that you had an obsession with make up back then and fashion. Tell me you are a stylist now or something?"

"Looks like you guys were really good friends," Aman said to the both of us before I could reply. "Mira has actually taken a break from work ever since we had a baby."

"What?" Vivaan asked surprised. "I thought you weren't going to be a house wife."

"Do you understand the meaning of a break?" I replied angrily. I knew I was rude and Aman's expression confirmed it. Damn it. Why was I getting so angry?

"It is alright, she was always short tempered. Nothing about you has changed Mira .. you are exactly the way I remember you."

I ignored it and thankfully nobody waited for my reply and Aman began. "So, Vivaan you have no idea how much me and my team are excited to work with you guys."

"We wanted the best and you guys were it. We actually want our show to air in India as well and we are currently in talks with a few distributors here. If that happens, I will be coming to India quite often. Thinking of settling here actually. So maybe, we can work out something permanent?"

Aman's eyes lit up. "Of course. But why the mood to settle down?"

"Been traveling and working for years and now I think it is time to relax. It eventually gets really lonely, you know? I mean the job is great and the opportunities have been amazing but it all seems like a very temporary high as you come back to an empty home. You make friends all over the world but you seem to have no one when you really need them. Haven't even met my parents properly in the past few years."

"I understand. Mira and I actually lived apart for some time as I had to set up a few deals in Mumbai. It was so exciting and yet after awhile it got lonely," Aman replied and squeezed my hand.

These two were talking about how eventually it was best to come back home and here I was thinking how to tell Aman about going to Milan for my Prada job.

Suddenly Aman's phone rang. "Could you please excuse me? I have to take this," he said and Vivaan nodded.

Oh no.

I thought that having dinner with my ex and my husband was the worst that could happen but there had to be more, right?

As Aman left, Vivaan's eyes shifted towards me. "So, Mira is a mommy now?"

"Best thing ever," I replied curtly. "She is the apple of my eyes."

"How old is she?"

"She is almost eight months old," I replied. "Looks like you still love this restaurant."

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