(21) Honeymoon 2.0

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I could feel the warmth of sun on my face which indicated it was morning now. I kept my eyes closed anyway, it had been a long time since I had felt this way. 

I don't know what it was, maybe the fresh air up the hills or not having the stress of working and  taking care of a baby but it felt like bliss. Just nowhere to rush in the morning and time to wake up gradually not hurriedly. 

Slowly I opened my eyes. I have no idea what these sheets were made of but if clouds could be felt then I imagined they were exactly like this. 

Checking the time on my phone, I realized it was well past nine. Aman and I had crashed as soon as we had arrived. After taking showers, we just went to sleep. He was still fast asleep beside me. He looked extremely peaceful and relaxed so I did not wake him up. 

I still had to talk about the magazine. It sounds like everything I could ever dream of. My earlier job paid a lot of money but I was just a puppet under giant corporate bosses. Working for Aman while he was gone only made me realize how lucky he was that he was only his boss and working for himself. 

It gives you a different kind of motivation to work when you work not just for money but for something that belongs to you. This was one of the reasons why I did not go for the job at Prada. I would have again become a slave even if looked glamorous. I really wanted to be there for my daughter and not be just working all the time. 

Before leaving Caira and showed me a rough plan. 

"First we need money," she said while scribbling in a pink notebook. "It's going to be online but we need a team and team needs to be paid."

"How about we hire freelancers for things we can? Like web-development and social media marketing?" I suggested. 

"We would still need money," she said. "We need an account. A sponsorship."

"We could contact makeup brands? Fashion houses?"

"Are we going for a fashion only magazine?" 

We both fell into a big long thought process until we decided to commence the meeting after I come back. She promised to get some interested people till then.  

"Baby," Aman said softly while hugging me from the back. I was in the veranda lost in thought process. "Morning."

"Morning honey," I replied turning around. "This place is so blissful. If only we could live here forever."

"Yes," he replied then started kissing my neck. "You know what would be great?" he said stopping midway. 


"If you come inside the bedroom," he said grabbing my hand. 


"Sweetheart," Aman whispered softly in my ear as I lay across my chest. "Are you hungry?"

"Did I ever tell you how much I love you?" 

"I love you too," he replied. "I'm so glad we could finally be alone. Life has been so rushed and busy lately." 

"True," I replied. 

"I was thinking.." he began. 


"Why don't you work with me? We are making a lot more money now I'm sure I can afford you," he said with a wink. 

"Everybody said you did a great job handling clients and keeping everything together." 

"Work with you?"

"Yes," he said. "You know biggest problem in our relationship always has been that we don't get to spend much time together. I get extremely busy and then this gap comes between us. You obviously loved working there so .."

"I did," I replied. 

Come on,  Mira. Open your mouth. 

"But," I began. "I don't want to talk about work. Not here."

Nice job. 

If I could only learn to say what I actually think. 

I got up from the bed and wrapped one of the comforters around me. 

"What are you doing?" 

"Going to take a shower," I replied. 

"I get that but why do you have this sheet wrapped around you? Who is seeing?"


"Mira," Aman laughed. "I have seen everything so well now that I can draw a picture of you."

I blushed. "That's okay," and rushed towards the bathroom while Aman giggled behind me. 


After we both were clean and showered again, Aman called to let the cook in. She prepared a delicious brunch. 

While I was in the mood to stay in the bedroom, Aman who had been lately spending all his time in either hotels or offices, wanted to be outside in the nature. He took me trekking and usually I love outdoor sports but today I just kept getting tired. 

After roaming around the local markets, we came back home in the evening. 

"Oh my god I am so hungry,"  I exclaimed as we got back inside. 


"Are you fat-shaming me?"

"No, of course not. It's just that we have eaten throughout the way constantly. You never eat this much," he replied. "Should I ring in for dinner?"

"Not so soon," I replied. "Let me see if there is anything in the fridge. He did say that the fridge was fully stalked."

Aman followed me to the kitchen. "Are you seriously going to cook on our vacation?"

"No, I'm just looking to make something instant. Would you like a sandwich?" 

"No, I am full," he replied. "Here, let me make you a sandwich."

Fifteen minutes later, I finally felt better. "Thank you honey," I replied kissing him on the cheek. 

"That's half a packet of bread over," he said looking at the packet while keeping it in the fridge. "I guess I made you a workout a lot today."

"You did," I replied. "I preferred a different kind of workout." 

He laughed. "Really? What kind?"

"Not now," I replied. "I need a shower."

"You know, so do I."

And I knew what that meant. 


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