(26) Save The Date

570 38 1

Right from the start

you were a thief you stole my heart 

and I, your willing victim

I let you see the parts of me 

that wasn't all that pretty 

and with every touch, you fixed them 

"Guys!! Listen up!" Caira rushed into the room. Her eyes were sparkling and she looked excited. I quickly put my phone on silent, I wasn't going to be able to talk with the two of them in the room. 

"Save the date!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she practically screamed. 

"Whoaa honey what is it? You look super happy," Vivaan interjected. "What is going on?"

"The A-HOLE finally did it! He practically flew to New York and spoke with my parents then he went back to Australia to get his parents as well. We are having an engagement party next month and later this year .... our wedding!!" she said sounding super happy. It looked like she might start crying soon. 

"What brought the change of heart all of a sudden?" I asked as she flopped down on the couch with a bottle of wine she had just gotten out of the minibar. 

Vivaan brought up to get the glasses. "He has been calling me regularly since like a month and I didn't pick. He tried to email, SMS and all things in the book possible but all of a sudden my mom called me this morning and asked me to call him. Which is a big deal you know because she never liked him.  We had been engaged for years so she wasn't a big fan of him." 

"What about the work you girls were doing here? Won't he expect you to go back?" Vivaan asked and my heart sank.  Who was I to stop Caira from being happy even if it meant that she had to leave the magazine?

"I had the same question but before I could ask he answered himself. He said he is a freelance photographer and is always travelling on assignments anyway so it wouldn't matter where he lives as long as I'm there with him. Plus he could work for the magazine as well, isn't it great?"

"Wow. I have to give it to him. Finally came to his senses. Who lets a gorgeous, pain in the ass sometimes, girlfriend go?" 

Vivaan handed me a glass and I suddenly remembered that I couldn't. "I can't," I said and he looked me curiously. 

"You don't drink in the afternoon?" he asked. 

"Are you pregnant?" Caira asked.

"Yes," I said. 

"YES TO WHICH QUESTION?" Caira asked. 

"Yes, I don't drink in the afternoon and yes I am pregnant." 

"Oh my god! That is wonderful!" she said and rushed to hug me. Vivaan hugged me too.

"No matter how much that douchebag fights with you somehow he always finds time to put a baby inside of you," Caira said and laughed.  

That douchebag...

I wish his reaction was like that. All happy and full of hugs. 

My heart feels so heavy. I need love. I need him to come and hug me and kiss me on my cheek. I need him to hold my hand and tell me we will work through this and everything is going to be alright. That even though this news stresses him out but he will be there holding my hand through it all. Love isn't just showered on the happy days but also the low days. 

Caira rushed to attend another phone call from a potential investor. Vivaan chugged both mine and his glass of wine. 

"You look upset," he said. "You have everything you ever wanted as a teenager. A creative job, a husband who loves you, beautiful baby and another on the way, house, friends..what could be making you upset?"

"I lost my first job and this job has no money yet. My husband is extremely occupied with work and the news of baby number two has freaked him out."

"Haha, that is a typical male reaction," he said. "Don't let it trouble you so much when he has had time to think he will come running right back to you. Also when he holds the beautiful baby in his arms who is going to be half him, he will forget all the stress and will be thanking God." 

"Sounds like you want his life," I said.

"I do," he said and winked. "And listen don't worry about work. I'm sure this is going to work out. You guys are already picking up so many followers online." 

"Yeah, I know," I said and a tear escaped. "Okay this is stupid."

He came and sat closer to me. "Let it all out you know. You will feel better," he said. "Just cry and I'm here listening." 

"Sometimes... I just want to scream at him. Like helloooooooo, give me some god damn attention. I need it. Come home and kiss me. Get me a god damn flower sometimes just so I know you were thinking of me even though you were gone for days. Plan a freaking date at least once a month. Tell me my pregnancy body is not going to bother you and I'll still be beautiful to you. Don't just go off to work every morning then come home and sleep off on me while I'm still talking to you. I need the same affection you expect from me."

"Did you tell him that?"


"Why not?"

"What's the point?" I said. Like seriously. If I have to tell Aman to hug me then what is the god damn use. If I wear a sign around my neck with 'free hugs' written on it, I could probably get a million!

"This is what I don't understand about you women. Why can't you just tell us what you want?"

"We are not that complicated unless you like marry a gold digger because then all she needs from you is money." 

"That feels like it will be far easier," he replied and laughed. I frowned at him. "I do have money and gold diggers are usually beautiful. Sorted."

"Good for you," I replied. 

"But..", he continued. "Then you grow up and realize you want more. You want someone who is going to be there for you through thick and thin. Like one day if you lose all your money she will be there. Someone you can talk to, laugh with, who will treat your family like its her own, who takes care of you, someone who is happy just at the sight of you, who kisses you before she leaves the house and is angry when you don't."

"You have to do all of this for her too, you know that right?"

"I could have but you ran off and got married." 

"Shut up..," I replied. 


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