(4) 2007

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Note:- Have you ever read the prequel 'No One Else Like You'? You don't have to read it to understand this book but everything will be a lot more clearer if you read. ALSO, it's on 10K reads. ;D 

Also, to those who have noticed that I always post a song along with a chapter it's because I find that the lyrics are quit relevant with the chapter or I imagine that this is what Mira (basically the person whose POV is in that chapter).is trying to say to Aman . ( 14-10-17)


YEAR 2007

I close my eyes and dream away

It must have been love

but it's over now 

It must have been love 

But I lost it somehow 

(Mira and Vivaan's flashback)

"Why do you like me?" I asked Vivaan one day.  We were on the terrace of my building. It was six in the morning and we had gone for a jog together. 

"What kind of a question is that?" he asked and laughed. "Come on, let's go get some coconut water." It was a daily thing for us to begin our mornings together ever since we had began dating. 

Vivaan never answered questions like that. He was a bit awkward when it came to being romantic. He wasn't the kinds who would talk about the future but I had been curious for days. It been one month since we began dating but I felt myself liking him a bit more everyday. I wasn't expecting anything, for god's sake I was sixteen(well almost) and marriage was like twenty years away. I am not going to get married before thirty five.  

"Okay.." I said and followed him. He turned around to look at me and sighed. 

"What happened Mira?"


"You don't look happy.." he said and then continued. "I like you  because you are too innocent, super cute and you have the most pleasant pair of .......eyes. I like you because I could talk to you for hours it doesn't even feel like you are younger than me. You are definitely naive, terribly trusting of people but equally smart when the time asks for it. You are caring and affectionate and honest. Are you happy with the string of complements I just gave or do you want more?"

"More will work just fine," I joked and he laughed. 

"You are too cute Mira, guys will line up for you when you decide to get married."

"Will you be one of them?" I asked candidly. 

"I might if I start believing in marriage by then.."


I didn't say anything. How was I supposed to react to this?  Getting married obviously never crossed my mind but it pinched me a little that he didn't believe in it.

Was that pathetic?

"Well, that's fine. You have then like three more years to decide if you want to believe in marriage or not," I said. 

"What do you mean? You will be like nineteen by then!" 

"Yes. It's just..my family is quite conservative. They want me to get married by the time I'm eighteen, nineteen at most," I said sadly. 

"Oh my god! That is too bad! Mira, your life will be destroyed. You have to do something! Don't you have big dreams? You wanted to travel, have an amazing job, do something related to fashion and make lots of money and how the hell are you going to do any of those if you get married by nineteen? It is crazy." 

He was fuming. He looked really angry. He didn't look worried about the fact that he won't be with me but he was genuinely worried about me. 

That is always with Vivaan. He was far from a typical boyfriend, he had no idea about anything. Calling regularly? No. He has disappeared for two-three days many times. Romance? No. 

But genuinely worried about me? Yes. 

Trying to do something to make me happy? All the time. 

Each morning after our work out, we would go around feeding the stray dogs. Vivaan was extremely passionate about animal well-fare especially dogs. Once he found a bunch of stray puppies in rain. There mother had died due to unknown circumstances and those puppies were stranded. 

After contemplation, he brought them back to his room (he lived on rent with his classmates) and took care of them. He sent me a bunch of pictures that day. Even back home, he had two dogs. 

I loved animals but I was scared of stray dogs. Not scared enough to wish ill for them but I had been chased once by a dog in my childhood and since then the fear was real. So, my feelings for Vivaan must have been serious because I pretended to not be scared of dogs in front of him and actually fed them along with him. 

He always said that he thought of me as this amazing person. He thought I was kind and giving but to be honest, I was learning all this from him. He was always there for his friends. He didn't have many friends though, he was an introvert. In fact, he was uncomfortable when it came to talking to girls. 

I was the one who had initiated our conversation for the first time and that was because I had heard him joking around with his friends and I was too impressed with his sense of humor. 

It was a crazy thing to do but today we are together so all's well that ends well right?

I wasn't in love or anything but I definitely liked him. A lot.

"I'm kidding Vivaan," I said and he calmed down.



"So today was fun right?" I said to Aman as we were driving back home after all the Karva Chauth ceremonies. 

"Yeah, it was," he replied. "Is she asleep?" he asked. 

"Yeah but she slept early and now she is going to keep us awake all night," I said sighing. "So honey, I wanted to talk about something?"

"Good. Me too," he said. "Would you mind a third wheel in our date tomorrow?"

"I thought we were celebrating," I said pouting. "Who is going to be there along with us?"

"Someone from the show. It might be the producer," he said.

"Why can't just you go?" I said. I wasn't in the mood to be the only one with nothing to talk about while Aman went on discussing business. 

"Because baby, your amazing husband wants to set you up. I might be able to get you a job since these our people with connections." 

"Oh.." I replied. How was I going to tell him about the offer from Prada? 

Maybe after dinner tomorrow. 


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