(5) Another Man

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My pride, my ego and my selfish ways 

caused a good strong woman like  you to walk out of my life

too young and too dumb to realize

That I should have bought you flowers and held your hand

Should have given you all my hours when I had the chance

Now my baby is dancing, but she is dancing with another man 

Putting on a black dress which was modest yet beautiful, I looked at myself in the mirror. Dressing up for formal dinner was the most confusing part and I wished Aman wasn't taking me along with him.  It didn't help that Aman was gone since the morning and was only going to be back home to pick me up around eight. We hardly got a word together because he was so busy and the times that he did manage to call me, Amyra had started crying hysterically. 

Good thing was that I didn't have to hire a nanny to look after her tonight. Rhea was coming over to watch her while we were gone. I was trying to be light on the make up tonight so I finished it of with some concealer and lipstick. 

Hearing the door bell ring, I went to open the door to a very excited looking Rhea. 

"Wow dude, you look awesome," she said as soon as I opened the door. 

"Are you sure? Is it a little too much?" I asked worried. 

"No no no... you look elegant," she assured me. "So where is the little princess?"

"She is asleep actually. She didn't have her afternoon nap today. I don't know whats with her but she has been crying a lot lately. It is like the minute I walk even a few centimeters away from her, she gets so upset and starts crying."

"So, won't she cry when she wakes up and notices that you are not here?" she asked concerned and opening the fridge. She took out a bottle of water and gulped it down. 

"I was reading on the internet, this could be separation anxiety. She needs to get used to me not being with her all the time. I don't think she will cry just make sure she doesn't sleep too much," I replied and noticed that Rhea was looking at me funnily. 

"Look at you, sounding so grown up," she said. "I'm so proud of you."

"Shut up!" I said and laughed. My phone rang and it was Aman. 

"Looks like hubby is here! See you later," Rhea said. 

"Call me anytime and I have written up all the emergency numbers in case you can't reach her. Her formula is right there and definitely check the temperature..." I kept on babbling as she pushed me out the door. 

"Don't worry Mira, your baby will be alive and happy when you come back!" she called out.

That was not reassuring at all. 

Climbing downstairs I saw Aman waiting inside the car. As I got inside, he looked at me and smiled. I always thought that Aman became ten times hotter when he was dressed formally with his beard and hair all trimmed and set. With his specs on, he actually looked the hot shot business man that he was. 

It was amazing that after all these years, I was still so madly attracted to him. Sure after giving birth to Amyra and with all the pregnancy complications, we were told by the doctors to not get intimate for the next six months so the attraction was at minimum. 

Since Amyra had been born we actually hadn't done anything intimate and funny enough, Aman didn't even mention about it. Sometimes there were nights when he would kiss me and I would be worried about how to tell him not night but he never said anything. 

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