(14) The Right Dress

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I waited for him to say something but he didn't. Before I knew it, I was out in the parking lot and close to my car. He just wasn't interested anymore, I suppose. 

I decided to go back and ask him his problem but my phone rang, "Caira? Did no one inform you that I won't be working with you guys anymore," I said as I picked up. Caira was Vivaan's assistant.

"But tonight is the red carpet and no one is prepared but you," she concluded. "We need someone to represent your company and speak. Your husband has just arrived, he has no time to catch up and no one knows the project as closely as you do."

"I can't Caira," I said. Aman would not be happy about this. "You should ask my husband."

"He's the one who asked me to call you Mrs Dass," she said to my utter surprise. "I explained to him how there was nothing that could have been done and he said he understood."

I just left him two minutes ago and he didn't tell me? Seriously now he is getting on my nerves. 

I quickly hung up and reached their office. Luckily for me, Caira knew how to handle things last minute. Wardrobe was brought in for me and there was a make up artist present as well. I couldn't believe how big scale and fancy this event was going to be. 

Caira was all dressed up. I couldn't believe how amazingly attractive she was. She could be a model instead of an assistant. She was 5'11 and had beautiful porcelain skin. Her grey eyes sparkled like diamonds in the light. And right now, she was out of her usual formal clothes and in a pink silk gown which was perfectly fitted according to her body. 

This is the kind of woman who makes you insecure whenever she is around your man. But in the last few days of working with her, I got to know her a bit and although she seemed cold in the beginning, later on she became quite friendly. 

"You look gorgeous," I said as I saw her.  

"Nothing the right dress and make up can't do," she smiled. "Would you mind if I be your stylist for the evening?"

"No, I wouldn't," I smiled happily. After the kind of tough evening I have had, I was glad that I didn't need to be stressed out about my outfit. 

"Are we playing dress up? We need some wine here!" said the make up artist. She introduced herself as Sasha. She was a petite woman, slightly plump and seemed in her late thirties. Caira had informed me that she was actually a pretty big deal and was always hired during fashion weeks. 

"Now, please don't be offended. I liked the outfit you chose last time but it was too modest," she said and smile cheekily. She handed me a white and silver dress and told me to try it on. 

As soon as I tried the dress on, I had no intention of showing anyone. "Are you coming out anytime soon?" Caira called. 

I came out. First of all, this gown was too sparkly for my liking. I liked elegance and class and this was too out there. It was an off shoulder dress which began so much lower that it felt like my breasts were hanging out of my body. If that much skin wasn't enough it had a diamond shaped cut right on my stomach area before it smoothed down into a silky mix of silver and white down my legs. 

"Wow, that looks sexy," Sasha said. "Quit standing like you're going to vomit!" 

"Are you crazy? People will think that I am some kind of a fancy prostitute! I am so not wearing this!"

Caira laughed. "This one," she handed another dress. After forty minutes of hair curling, face mask, make up and what not, I was finally ready. 

Caira was right. It was she performed magic on me. As much horrible as I felt instead, I looked forty times better outside. 

We went with a simple cold shoulder satin navy blue gown. It did have a slight around my right leg but it wasn't too up and actually looked nice. They left my hair slightly curled and flowing on my right shoulder. Sasha did a minimalist make up on me and I was in love with it. 

The car was waiting outside and outside was Vivaan standing  and talking to one of the producers. 

"You look fantastic," he said as he saw me. "Thank you for coming tonight," he said. 

"No problem," I said smiling shyly. It had been a while since I was dressed so much for some big fancy event. 

"We will be in this one," he said and opened the door of the black Audi behind him. 

"I am travelling with you?" I asked. 

"Is there a problem?" he asked. He looked offended. 

I quickly smiled. This was his big night and I shouldn't spoil it over petty issues like which car I would go in. "No of course not," I said and got inside. He shut the door and got inside himself from the other side. He instructed the driver to go and rest of the crew followed us in other car's behind. 

"We are releasing a trailer today and I couldn't be more nervous," he said. He actually looked like he was about to throw up. 

"Doing Youtube videos was easy but when you start a show on a huge scale then there are tons of people counting on you," he added.  

"Relax. You're a natural," I said. "People are going to love you even if you give them the tour of a zoo."

He laughed. "Is everything okay with Aman?"

"I would rather we do not talk about it," I said growing visibly uncomfortable. 

"Well, you have to know how beautiful baby Amyra is. Aman has got to watch out for the guys when she grows up," he said. 

I smiled. "Thank you, we are incredibly proud of her. She literally is the nicest baby ever. She sleeps nights so I get no sleepless nights these days. She hardly cries and she is the quickest learner!" 

"Your eyes sparkle up whenever you talk about her," he said. "Motherhood has made you happy."

"More than anything," I replied. 

"You used to make me happy," he added. "I have met many women since then and even had a couple of relationships but it has never been like the way it was with you. With you I talked, we connected, we shared things and I was completely myself."

"Well, I do miss talking to you," I said. "It's not the romance part I miss but the fact that I lost a friend who understood me really well."

"As that friend I am telling you that he needs to understand you for who you are. He should be one making sacrifices because you won't be happy being a house wife," he said sternly. 

"He knows that," I said. 

"Yes but he isn't doing anything to help you, is he?" 

This was not fair. Aman was just really busy. Too busy to bother with anything that was going with me but still, he was my husband. 

"If I hadn't broken up with you because I had to leave the country, do you think we would have been still together?"

He asked me. 


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