(13) Not Staying Together

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It was almost midnight and there had been not a single call or text message by Aman. Looks like he was really mad this time. 

He usually called in the evening to have a video chat with Amyra but he didn't even do that. I didn't call him either. 

I just felt equally upset by the whole situation. 

Anyway, I was having trouble sleeping now because my head was just full of thoughts. 

Somehow as time passed, I fell asleep and was woken up at six am with a call. It was my mother. 

"Mom? What are you doing up so early?" I asked while yawning. 

"I wake up at five everyday sweetheart. Anyway, I am really sorry to wake you up but I was wondering if you would drop Amyra off here today. I know you have to go to work and I don't mind watching her.."

"I don't have work," I replied. Oh god, I hope she won't ask many questions. 

"Is Aman back?" she asked. 

"No, not yet. Anyway, can I go back to sleep please? It won't be long before Amyra wakes up." 

Luckily she didn't ask many questions and I managed to get to sleep for two more hours before I heard Amyra cry. 

I was playing with her when the door bell rang. Holding Amyra on one side, I went to open the door. 

I had checked my phone throughout the day but today also Aman made no calls or texts. I did call his assistant to get an update and turns out, they had managed to settle the case outside of court which meant Aman should be on a flight back home. 

I went to open the door wishing it was Aman but it wasn't. 

"Kartik?" I said. "What a surpise."

"Hi Mira," he said and hugged me. "Oh my god, she has grown a lot since I last met her." 

"I know," I said smiling and leading him inside. I asked the cook to make him coffee. "What brings you here?"

"I just thought it had been a long time so decided to catch hold of you and Aman. He is usally home on Sundays so.."

"He isn't home. He had to go to Mumbai for some business." 

"I see," he smiled. "Well, I have some good news for you."

"I could use some good news right now," I said. "What is it?"

"I quit my job," he announced. 

"What? Why? And how is this good news?" I asked completely confused. 

"The board was going to kick me out anyway so I resigned and beat them to it. I am working on something new right now. I am joining my sister on our publishing start up and I would like to hire the best," he said. 

"That's great news, Kartik," I said. 

"We are getting investors from all over the country and I would like you to lead the management team," he said. 


"Look, I know it's a start up but it is going to be huge. We have been working day and night and money won't be as great as it used to be in your old job but that will be just in the beginning. Our online portal already has many subscribers. Once the offline magazine is set up, money will float in."

"It's not that. Why me?" I asked. 

"Because you're good at this. Just don't let your personal life mix with your professional life this time," he said.

"This is an amazing opportunity, thank you so much Kartik," I replied. 

"I thought so. So, does it mean you are in?" 

"I...," I needed to talk to Aman about this. 

"I understand," he interrupted. "You have tonight to think about this. I expect a call tomorrow morning, is that okay?"

"Okay," I said. He was right. This really was good news. 

"Also, we are going to head to Pune to visit the printing company tomorrow and make an offer. We also recruit some interns for the managerial team. It's going to be tomorrow afternoon so if you are in then be packed."

"Alright," I said smiling hugely. Kartik stood up to leave and just then my phone rang. It was Aman. 

He quickly said bye and made his way out and I picked up the call. "Hello?"

"Mira, I was letting you know that I will be back in Delhi by evening. My dad wanted to see Amyra. Could you bring her by around 7?"

"Sure, of course. Aman..."


"I'm going to Pune," I said.


"Tomorrow," I added. 

"Okay, then bring up her stuff to my parent's house. I will be staying there tonight." 

Now he isn't going to stay with me? Also he asked me nothing about why I was going or anything. I wanted to ask him what the heck was wrong with him but I just said okay and hung up. 

"Come on baby, you are going to stay with daddy tonight," I said to Amyra and kissed her cheek. I quickly emailed Kartik about how I am accepting the offer and went ahead to pack my bags. 

What was going on in his mind only god knew. He never behaved like this. 

To take my mind off things, I went to do some shopping. Amyra was sleeping in her stroller so it was easy to browse around stuff.

Maybe Aman and I are not just not meant to be married. This would be our second separation. What does he want? An apology?

He already fired me. 

Maybe he isn't thinking about me at all. He has a lot more on his mind. He just earned tons of money and his company is growing rapidly. I am the last thing on his mind. 

"Ouch.." I heard someone say and I realized that I smashed my stroller on someone. 

"Sorry, sir. Are you okay?" I said as the man turned around.

He nodded and I apologized again and left. I bought some clothes for Amyra and left. It was almost seven so I got back in the car to drive back to Aman's parents place. 

Everyone started cooing over Amyra and Aman finally came out. He kissed Amyra and picked her up. I handed her bags to his mom. 

"You must stay here tonight," she said. "What will you do in the house alone?" 

This was awkward. I would have stayed but it didn't look like Aman wanted me here. I waited for him to stay something but he was busy with Amyra.

"I would love to but I promised mom to help her out with her taxes today," I said. She smiled and thankfully didn't question any further. 



"Well, I am leaving. Bye," I said and turned around. 


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