when he gets tired of your relarionship | j.jk | 0.2

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Y/n's POV

You had been up all night. You had a weird nagging feeling in the pit of you stomach that something was wrong. Jungkook would never just do something like that without showing any signs of what was happening. He wouldn't just break up with you like that and you knew that. You had been wracking your brain all night trying to figure something out. You glanced at the messages for the hundredth time before realisation hit you.

One Year Ago

You and Jungkook were cuddling on the sofa having a discussion about your ex and the events that went on while you were together.

"Y/n." Said Jungkook, "I think we should come up with something incase he did get out and managed to get to one of us."

"That's probably a good idea to be honest." You replied.

"Let's think of something that will never happen."

"Getting tired of each other." You joked.

Jungkook seemed to genuinely consider it for a moment, before he spoke. "That's actually an amazing idea."

You gave him a weird look. "Seriously?"

"Yes, seriously. I could never get tired of you. I love you too much to do that."

"Same here." You blushed, "so I guess we have our plan."

"I guess we do." He mused, while looking fondly at you.

Present Time

You shot off the bed and ran to get to your phone. You called the police as fast as you possibly could and explained the situation to them. You had been in witness protection so they took everything you said very seriously, knowing that you wouldn't waste their time. You asked then if they could track his phone and find him as your ex never had been the brightest with the finer details of his crimes.

They sent a police officer to your house to watch out for you incase he had found you and a few officers and a backup team to get Jungkook. The next few hours were utter torture. You had never been so nervous in your entire life and were having panic attacks to the point you nearly passed out on multiple occasions.

You heard a knock on your door, making you jump out of your seat. You cautiously crept up to your door and peaked through the peep hole. You flew the door open when you saw Jungkook stood outside with a police escort. You flung your arms around him and buried yourself into his neck. Fresh, hot tears spilled from your eyes and onto his shirt. The both of you were crying and clinging to each other out of relief, happiness and fear.

"I'm so happy you remembered."

"Of course I remembered, how could I not?"

The police officers informed you that your ex had been locked up and wasn't going to get out this time. Although you weren't completely convinced it atleast calmed you slightly. You said goodnight to them and the both of you went inside.

Second Person POV

You were both cuddled up on the sofa, watching TV and drinking hot chocolate. After all you had been through you felt like you needed to tell Jungkook what had been plaguing your mind for the past few months. You blurted the words out fasted than you could register.

"I'm in love with you."

He looked down at you, shocked, before telling you the words you had been longing to hear.

"I'm in love with you too."

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