when the world turns black and white | j.jk | oneshot

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soulmate au | vision

When you're born you see in black and white, until you meet your soulmate. When you make eye contact with your soulmate for the first time your vision turns colourful. When your soulmate dies you lose the ability to see in colour and the world goes back to being black and white.


Jungkook's POV

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes, squinting at the assault of light hitting his eyes. He sat up in bed, rubbed his eyes and waited for them to adjust. After around five minutes of dozing around in bed, he rolled off of the bed and onto the floor. He grabbed his phone and checked the time. He immediately woke up at the display before him. It was one in the afternoon and he was supposed to be at work at ten in the morning. He shot up from the floor and got ready to leave as fast as he could. You had taken the car today as you had a meeting out of town so he had to run to get the subway.

He ran out of the house and locked the door, before running across the road. He was around halfway through the road when he hear an obnoxiously loud noise next to his ear. He turned to see what it was and in a split second the ridiculously painful and intense force of a lorry was pushing him across the road. The lorry stopped briefly, before continuing to drive. In that time, Jungkook's body had fallen down to the floor and was run over. Although, he couldn't feel the pain of being run over, the force of the hit had been enough.

Y/n's POV

You were in the middle of a meeting with an important client when it happened. You were discussing how rebranding would help their company skyrocket into popularity. One second you were talking, the next you blinked and all of the colour left the world. You stopped in your tracks, blinking and rubbing your eyes a few times before realisation hit you.

Your legs gave out and you collapsed onto the floor. You stared at the wall emptily as the tears built in your eyes. All there was for a few seconds was complete and utter silence, partially because everyone was confused and partially because you were experiencing the most intense emotions you had ever felt in your life and you had no clue how to deal with them.

You screamed out in pain as furious sobs jolted your body up and down. The person you were presenting with walked over to you and pressed her hand gently against your back.

"Y/n? What happened? Are you okay, sweetie?"

"J-j-j-j-u-ung-k-k-oo-k, h-he.... h-he..."

She looked at you with an expression filled with nothing but concern.

"He what, sweetie?"

"C-c-ol-ou-r-r-s g-g-on-ne."

Her eyes opened wide in realisation of what happened. She pulled you into her and held your head against her body as the sobs continued to rack through your entire body. She stroked your head in a futile attempt to comfort the extreme pain that you felt.

Second Person POV

When Jungkook left he left a Jungkook shaped hole in your life. It literally felt like half of yourself had left you and in a way it had. You knew you'd never be the same again after that day. The day your soulmate died was the day you lost yourself and you knew that's not what he would have wanted, but that's what happened.

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