Chp- 24

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Missed me ?
My exams are finally over !!!
So enjoyyyyyyyyy this chapter 😉

Andy POV.

I was sitting in Romeo's room and playing with him. It's been 3 weeks since me and Romeo are living here now and nothing really happened much, but Rye have been trying so hard to get involved with us, actually he and Romeo have become quite close, he is trying to get close with me.....

"Papa... look" Romeo said.
He made a small house with Lego blocks. I praised him. I heard the door open and Rye entered.

"Hii my babies" Rye said, I rolled my eyes while Romeo ran towards him.

"Daddaaa" he said and jumped. Rye caught him and kissed his cheeks.

"So.... guess what !? we are going out so get ready!"Rye said.
"Where?" I asked him.

He looked at me smiling widely.
" WINTER WONDERLAND" He said enthusiastically.

Romeo started cheering.

Well.... I have no choice but to go besides Rye won't take no for an answer and Romeo looks excited for it... so I guess I'll have to go...

"Fine" I said.

Soon we got ready and headed out.

We finally reached here there was lots of traffic on the way here.

We entered and Romeo started jumping  with excitement.

We walked towards the Santa land first

Romeo was looking everywhere he was excited and confused to which ride he should go on first

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Romeo was looking everywhere he was excited and confused to which ride he should go on first.

He was looking left and right in massive confusion, I chuckled at his reaction.

"Come on baby let's go on that horse ride first" Rye said taking his hand.

We went towards the horse ride it looked really very beautiful.

We went towards the horse ride it looked really very beautiful

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Kidnapped by a Mafia Jerk (Randy) Where stories live. Discover now